My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Applied Mathematical Modeling
    Mathematician of December 2019
    by: Bojana Manchovska
    by bmancovska
    Eye Icon 7
  • A description of how Kanohi RES uses renewable energy sources like wind, water, and sunlight to generate electricity and reduce CO2 emissions.
    by bmancovska
    Eye Icon 10
  • A city implements various renewable energy initiatives to reduce electricity and water usage, including solar panels, windmills, and a Zero Energy Building.
    by bmancovska
    Eye Icon 18
  • A description of human rights and their importance in Kanohi, a city where they are protected and celebrated through festivals and institutions.
    by bmancovska
    Eye Icon 17
  • The story describes the town of Kanohi, its geography, government, services, and industries.
    by bmancovska
    Eye Icon 26
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