This book is about to computer history. You can find computer basics, development of computer hardware and famous people in computer history. You can use this book as a resource to your lessons and homeworks. This is a research of me when i was in university. I hope you enjoy and get a lot of information about computers and history of computers. Enjoy!
Hello everyone! This book is based on my university assignment. Yes, it is a true research and has scientific realities. It is about Big Bang and later steps of universe and living things. You can think it a bit explanation of evolution. Thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy and leave good comments.
A childish love story, end of story is a lesson to all children. A big life lesson. I am curious what result you will get. Could you please share your idea after reading the story? Whether we think the same or not? If you were Ali, which end would you prefer? Or ıf you were Hasret, who did you prefer? Hope you to have a good time when reading my story.
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Kitabın alt başlığı Demokrasi Gecesi. Sıkıntılı günler geçiren bir gencin bir cumartesi akşamı işyerinden arkadaşlarıyla tesadüfen karşılaşması ve yaşadıkları.
Ders niteliğinde olduğunu düşündüğüm ve günümüz ülke siyasetinin içine düştüğü darboğazın halkta hiçte yansıması olmadığını gösteren, çıkar ve menfaat için çocuklara ve gençlere düşmanlık tohumu ekenlerin foyasini açığa çıkaran güzel bir hikaye olduğunu düşünüyorum. Düşünce ve yorumlarınızı lütfen paylaşın. Iyi okumalar.