My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Rody, a student, enters a digital citizenship labyrinth with a talking robot named Roby. They must complete tasks to unlock doors and learn internet safety.
    by Khatia Tsirekidze
    Eye Icon 35
  • Mary, a girl obsessed with social media, goes on a vacation to her village and learns the value of real-life experiences and relationships.
    by Khatia Tsirekidze
    Eye Icon 48
  • A collection of recipes for various Georgian dishes, including khinkali, mtsvadi, chakhokhbili, pkhali, potato cutlets, walnut chicken, khachapuri, xarcho, lobio, and chaqafu…
    by Khatia Tsirekidze
    Eye Icon 8
  • A lonely oak sapling in a wasteland longs for friends. A little girl befriends him and together they plant trees, attracting more friends and creating a forest. The story emp…
    by Khatia Tsirekidze
    Eye Icon 387
    Star Icon 1
  • Red Riding Hood encounters a wolf on her way to her grandmother's house, but is saved by the woodcutter.
    by Khatia Tsirekidze
    Eye Icon 14
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