My Published Books (1)

  • Alberto, an axolotl, goes on an adventure to find rocks and discovers a cave full of crystals. He returns home to celebrate his birthday with his family and friends.
    by Zheilad Schmidle
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My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A brief introduction to the four gaits of horses: walk, trot, canter, and gallop.
    by Zheilad Schmidle
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  • A mother hen is out of food and needs help to make bread for her chicks. She asks her neighbors but they refuse. She does everything herself and when the bread is ready, she …
    by Zheilad Schmidle
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  • Pearl, a wild horse, is captured and sent to England. She adjusts to her new life, learns to trust humans, and finds happiness with Violetta.
    by Zheilad Schmidle
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  • A step-by-step guide on how to mount, move, turn, stop, and dismount a horse.
    by Zheilad Schmidle
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  • A story about two cats, Blue and Killian, and their contrasting personalities and behaviors.
    by Zheilad Schmidle
    Eye Icon 7
  • Alberti is an Axolotl that is finally ready to move away from his parents! What Will he do? Find out in Alberto Moves Out!
    by Zheilad Schmidle
    Eye Icon 8

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