My Published Books (1)

  • Star, a selfish teenager, is transported to a magical world with his sister Shine. They face challenges and learn about friendship, compassion, and love.
    by Mr. Burrola
    Eye Icon 153
    Star Icon 7

My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • Jeffry, Josh, Joofy, and Jeff the ghost encounter a powerful monster. They use magic to defeat it and receive a trophy for their bravery.
    by Mr. Burrola
    Eye Icon 57
    Star Icon 4
  • by Mr. Burrola
    Eye Icon 53
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  • Three dragons and a wizard team up to convince a monster to share their land in exchange for raspberries.
    by Mr. Burrola
    Eye Icon 71
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  • A group of food items in a restaurant become friends and start their own restaurant, attracting customers with their ability to talk and dance.
    by Mr. Burrola
    Eye Icon 71
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  • A child encounters a ghost in a hotel bathroom and seeks help from their mom and grandma to deal with the ghost's mischievous behavior.
    by Mr. Burrola
    Eye Icon 63
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  • A gingerbread man befriends a bear who ultimately tries to eat him, but the gingerbread man escapes and finds a new home with other gingerbread people.
    by Mr. Burrola
    Eye Icon 102
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  • by Mr. Burrola
    Eye Icon 62
    Star Icon 5
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