My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Meet Rick. He's orphaned and the adults think he's mentally unstable.

    Annie, on the other hand, has no worries and lives happily.

    Little do these two child…
    by Qamraa Lafir
    Eye Icon 14
  • This story is about a boy called Michael, and his adventures on a lonely island. This book is short and entertaining, and perfect for early readers too.
    by Qamraa Lafir
    Eye Icon 28
  • Sam Henders is just an average boy going to school. His dad is dead and his mum quite clearly doesn't give a damn about him. But is all this really as it seems?
    by Qamraa Lafir
    Eye Icon 84
    Star Icon 2
  • Fourteen-year-old Sam wants a normal life, but is such a thing even possible when your dad is one of the Secret Service's best agents?
    by Qamraa Lafir
    Eye Icon 37
    Star Icon 1

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