My Published Books (1)

  • Poems inspired by loved ones. Many people have marked my life both positively and negatively, but all have taught me valuable lessons that i will never forget. In this book I…
    by Mariana Lopez
    Eye Icon 207
    Star Icon 8

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • A family of bears saves a boy who fell into a hole, leading to a newfound understanding and respect between humans and bears.
    by Mariana Lopez
    Eye Icon 40
  • Frosty lives in the North Pole. He is going to visit his Friend in Denali, but he feels lonely when he is in the North Pole. How can his friends help him feel better?
    by Mariana Lopez
    Eye Icon 50
    Star Icon 4
  • A bear's request for a waffle leads to a series of events, including eating, drinking, watching TV, and returning for more waffles.
    by Mariana Lopez
    Eye Icon 88
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