My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Iris, a shy girl, struggles in her new school until she befriends Olivia. Together, they share their feelings and grow stronger, learning to ignore hurtful comments from clas…
    by Wioleta Antecka
    Eye Icon 35
  • A collection of short statements about children's dreams and aspirations, with some spelling and grammar errors.
    by Wioleta Antecka
    Eye Icon 87
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  • Lovely Rose learns about internet safety and how to protect herself from online dangers. She shares her knowledge with her friends to create a safe internet world.
    by Wioleta Antecka
    Eye Icon 91
  • This story provides information about Turkey, its culture, food, clothing, and language. It also briefly mentions other countries like Jordan, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, and P…
    by Wioleta Antecka
    Eye Icon 84
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  • by Wioleta Antecka
    Eye Icon 83
  • Advantages of the hotel include a close beach, aquapark, free massages and sauna, tasty international cuisine, and free Covid-19 tests. There are no disadvantages. The welcom…
    by Wioleta Antecka
    Eye Icon 95
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