to all people who like to be different

Improving connectivity, an urgent need to reduce the digital divide.
In the virtual forum "Bridging the Digital Divide in rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a digital agricultural revolution", organised by IICA, experts from the region addressed the issue of increasing efforts to bring greater internet network coverage to rural areas throughout Latin America. The participating countries agreed that the pandemic had left them short of digital coverage for rural regions and rural dwellers, which is why policies to bring technology and networks t technology experts agreed that laws should be adapted to use communities as a focus for technology development and to minimise costs with quality network access that can reach the most remote areas. o rural territories are needed.

According to data collected, 80 % of the telecommunications infrastructure development in the region is provided by private companies, and 4G coverage reaches 95 % of the population; 65 % of households have fibre optic service, which should gradually increase.

Special Trips
OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of Cuba
FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Socialist Republic
POPULATION: 11,382,820
English, Haitian, Creole, mandarín. Lucumi
AREA: 110,860 square kilometres
Important facts:
History of Cuba
we divide the history of cuba into 5 major periods
The first habitants of Cuba were the Ciboney and Guanahatabey and the Tainos
1510 beginning of the Spanish conquest full of wars and blood under the command of Diego Velázquez.
In 1511, the Spanish colonizers defeated the Tainos and took control of the island, taking them as slaves.
The indígenas population was diminished by the abusive labour they were subjected to and the diseases they brought from Europe.
later they brought thousands of people from africa who were enslaved to work in the sugar and banana plantations.
The meeting of 2 worlds
1512 Founding of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Baracoa and six other Villas.
increase in population due to the slave trade.

The island of cuba received many attacks from corsairs and pirates as a centre for the reception of goods and slaves, generating social instability due to the continuous revolts of slaves.
On October 10, 1868, the struggle for independence began, led by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and a group of patriots at the Demajagua sugar mill.
The Ten Years' War, or Great War, culminated with the Zanjón Pact in 1878, which denied Cuban independence, abolished slavery, and did not recognize Cuban independence
The colony
The island of cuba received many attacks from corsairs and pirates as a centre for the reception of goods and slaves, generating social instability due to the continuous revolts of slaves.
On October 10, 1868, the struggle for independence began, led by Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and a group of patriots at the Demajagua sugar mill.
The Ten Years' War, or Great War, culminated with the Zanjón Pact in 1878, which denied Cuban independence, abolished slavery, and did not recognize Cuban independence

1879 and 1895, the Tregua Fecunda or Turbulent Rest, where José Martí managed to unite Cubans to elaborate the struggle for independence.
American forces joined the patriots in expelling the Spanish from Cuba
On 10 December 1898, the Treaty of Paris was signed, declaring the end of colonialism.
1902, Cuba gained Independence.
The United States had a strong influence over the island until 1959

the republic
the Moncada trial was an excuse to create a rebel movement against the dictatorship.
On 26 July the struggle against the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.
Revolutionary period
cuba isolated itself from the united states by moving closer to the soviet union
In the mid-1990s the Soviet Union broke up, creating further isolation for the island.
in the 21st century, Cuba had begun rapprochement with the government of the United States.
December 2014 diplomatic relations with the United states begun.
Barack Obama met with Raúl Castro in Cuba in March 2016.
At present, Cuba and the United States do not have diplomatic relations because the Trump administration was not willing to bring them closer together.

fly on avianca
curious science

what are viruses?
A virus is a strand of DNA or RNA sorrounded by a layer of protein that can infect and replicate in a host cell.
A virus doesn´t have a cell wall, a nucleus, or any organelles present in cells. The smallest viruses are between 20 and 100 times smaller than most bacteria.
a viruses can make a copies of it self in a procces called replication, but it must rely on a organism to do so.
Viruses must use organisms to carry on the prooces that we ussually acociate with a living cell. Viruses have no organele so they aren´table to take in nutrients or use energy.
The viuses can have diferent shapes as the crystal, cylinder, shpere etc.
The scientists don´t consider viruses to be alive because they don´t have all Characteristics of a living organism. Recall that living things are organized. Respond to stimuli, use energy, grow of and reproduce viruses can´t do any of these things.
a viruses can make a copies of it self in a procces called replication, but it must rely on a organism to do so.
Viruses must use organisms to carry on the prooces that we ussually acociate with a living cell. Viruses have no organele so they aren´table to take in nutrients or use energy.
Famous viruses
three viruses that changed the world.
In this paper we are going to talk about three viruses that were considered pandemics at different times, we seek to demonstrate that humanity has always been exposed to certain diseases that act as regulators of the population, since human beings are the only living beings that do not have predators.
the Black Death
The origin of plague was the bacterium yersinia pestis, which affected black rats and other rodents, and was transmitted by the parasites that lived in them, especially fleas, which introduced the disease to humans through their bites.
Plague was a disease that spread from animals to humans.
The contagion was easy and fast because the rats had direct contact with people, especially in the mills and granaries where food was stored and stored and moved from one place to another, and they circulated along the same roads.
Plague was a disease that spread from animals to humans.
The contagion was easy and fast because the rats had direct contact with people, especially in the mills and granaries where food was stored and stored and moved from one place to another, and they circulated along the same roads.
spanish flu
killed more than 40 million people worldwide between 1918 and 1920 and is considered the most devastating epidemic in history.
Spain was the country most affected, with 8 million people infected and 300,000 dead, although the disease originated in France and China.
many of its victims were young people and healthy adults in their 20s and 40s, people who were not exposed to the virus during childhood.
many people died quickly after the onset of the first symptoms, often with massive acute pulmonary haemorrhage or pulmonary oedema, and often in less than five days.
Coronavirus is a group of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to pneumonia. It originated in China and is a completely new virus that was previously unknown.
Chinese authorities identified the cause as a new strain of coronavirus.
The possible animal origin has not yet been confirmed.
can be spread from one person to another, usually by very close contact with an infected patient, for example, at home or in a health care facility.
There is no specific treatment for coronavirus infections, although there is treatment for many of the symptoms of coronaviruses.
We were able to realise that throughout history various kinds of viruses have been developed, which usually spread from animals to humans.
This pandemic that we have had to live through has taught us that viruses will always be present in our lives, as population regulators they will always seek to survive by
mutating, the scientific community expecienation says that vaccines are a small solution that can be modified as the virus changes, we hope that natural selection does not continue to end the world.

Tips para una dieta balanceada
Una alimentación balanceada es aquella que reune todos los nutrientes que el cuerpo necesita para poder hacer susu actividades diarias.
al hablar de una alimentación equilibrada nos referimos a la ingesta continua de en una semana entera.
Elegir alimentos variados, es decir que tengan proteínas , vegetales y frutas.
Beber mínimo ocho vasos de agua.
Controlar el peso .
Reducir las cantidades de alimentos .
comer siempre a horas fijas.
Descansar bien es muy importante. Se recomienda dormir 7-8 horas diarias.
Rutina de ejercicios
´para estar en forma
se recomneda hacer ejecicios en horas de la mañana para tener mas energía en las acrividades diarias.
Esta puede ser una rutina para hacer en casa:
sentadillas dos repeticiones de 15
lagartijas tres repeticiones de 10
estocadas dos repeticiones de 8
el puente tres repeticiones de 10
escaladores 4 repeticiones de 10
abdominales 3 repeticinoes de 30
A sustainable city is a model of an urban centre that makes rational use of the natural and technological resources that its population requires.
Such cities have the capacity to self-regulate every environmental, social and economic need.
A sustainable city is a city that
resists climate impacts and
helps the environment to take
better care of itself and not
already a lot of pollution.
these types of cities achieve their own ideal model taking into account climatic factors, population, natural resources, and the environment
How to make a sustainable city in our homes
1 we have to have a house that is very resistant to climate change
2 we must have many plants so that the air flows much better
3 Instead of using ordinary electricity, we must use a solar panel so as not to consume a lot of light and help the environment
4 reuse rubble so as not to make too much trash
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
to all people who like to be different

Improving connectivity, an urgent need to reduce the digital divide.
In the virtual forum "Bridging the Digital Divide in rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a digital agricultural revolution", organised by IICA, experts from the region addressed the issue of increasing efforts to bring greater internet network coverage to rural areas throughout Latin America. The participating countries agreed that the pandemic had left them short of digital coverage for rural regions and rural dwellers, which is why policies to bring technology and networks t technology experts agreed that laws should be adapted to use communities as a focus for technology development and to minimise costs with quality network access that can reach the most remote areas. o rural territories are needed.

According to data collected, 80 % of the telecommunications infrastructure development in the region is provided by private companies, and 4G coverage reaches 95 % of the population; 65 % of households have fibre optic service, which should gradually increase.

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