Digital Divide Books

  • The digital divide
    The story explores the concept of the digital divide, discussing its causes and effects on individuals and societies.
  • D I G I T A L D I V I D E
    This book discusses the digital divide, history of the internet, globalization, effects of the internet on people, economy, and government.
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  • Role of Technology in Globalization
    This book provides a definition and history of the internet, discusses social media and e-safety, explores globalization and its effects, addresses the digital divide, and su…
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  • Digital Collaboration For Student Success
    The story discusses the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating digital technology in student-based learning objectives.
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  • Time for imagination
    Improving connectivity, an urgent need to reduce the digital divide. In the virtual forum 'Bridging the Digital Divide in rural areas of Latin America and the Caribbean: Towa…
  • The Impact of Online Learning Platforms on Education
    A personal narrative about the impact of Khan Academy on the author's math skills and education, along with a discussion of online learning platforms and their challenges.
    This book is about digital literacy, digital and intellectual rights, digital security and data protection, digital law and netiquette. It covers various topics related to th…
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  • Internet for dummies 2.0
    A brief history of the internet, followed by explanations of the digital divide and globalization.
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