Hello my name is Amy and I'm 1979 years old. I live in a magic forest. I am tiny, my hair is blue,I have got big eyes and small legs. I have got 4 white wings.
I am funny, outgoing, delightful and cunning. But if someone makes me angry, I can become very wicked and frightening.
Mrs Fotini
Hello, my name is Sparkle and I am 598 years old. I live in the bottom of the ocean. I am thin.My hair is orange, I have got big blue almond eyes and a pink tail. I am friendly, sensitive talkative and delightful.But if someone makes me angry, I can be very cunning and vicious!!! Michaela P.
Hello, my name is Loder. I am 20 years old and I live in Sahara. I am not so big as a car. I am very tiny and I have a dangerous tail and legs in case someone wants to harm me. I am black and dargerous for the other animals but if someone is good with me I am very playful.
Hello, my name is hdfghzh and I'm 1327 years old. I live in universe.I'm smart and very huge. My body is blue and my eyes are yellow. Every day I get angry because I do not find my mates.
Hi my name is Wikuy and i am 1000000 years old. I am wicked and I love tiny things. Αlso I am very cunning!!!!!
Hello my name is Robi the robot and I am 200 years old. I live in the desert Sahara and I am blue and red . I am very friandly, kind and beautiful but I like eating people a lot so if you want to live feed me with plugs . It is my best food for me !!!
Nana K.
Hi my name is Bane . I am 1000 years old.
Kostantinos Ar.
Hello my name is Bigso I am 2067 years old and my favourite colour is green.I live οn Εarth right now but normally I live in gyhhjh. I am very smart and very small. I am green ! I have 2 black eyes.
My name is Monkeynick .I am 673486757656695 years old and I live in the jungle island.I am a silly monkey with super powers that are silly and ... I am like a monkey .A very silly and huge monkey, something like King kong but with a crown
I am the blackman I am 18 years old and I live in the blackland the island of the black color. Ιn my island live 5 black robot guards and my favourite dog .Ι am black with black skin and black eyes . I know everything about everything
and I am 8 meters tall .Oh I am huge, yee !
NIkolas D. (2)
Hi i'm a car i'm 135 years old i have 4 rims, 1 super motive,1 spoiler and 2 exοsts.
I'm very fast, stronger and i love racing.
Αλέξανδρος Ν.
Hi, my name is douxfairy.I am 1979 years old and I come from England.I am calm and playful with my stones.I make stone rings because of my relegion and I wear earrings that i make.I can talk to people and be friends with them.I also live in magic forest with Amy, my friend.I have a long dress with big wings and my hair is pink.
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Hello my name is Amy and I'm 1979 years old. I live in a magic forest. I am tiny, my hair is blue,I have got big eyes and small legs. I have got 4 white wings.
I am funny, outgoing, delightful and cunning. But if someone makes me angry, I can become very wicked and frightening.
Mrs Fotini
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