Flipe EPB, Portugal
Bruno N. EPB, Portugal
Lucia IES JS, Spain
Olga IES FG, Spain
Marinela sSS, Croatia
Oğuz AAAL, Turkey
Eren OİB, Turkey
Team Coach: Merve D.

definition: also spelled yoghurt, yogourt or yoghourt, is a food produced by bacterial fermentation of milk.
its origin: The word is derived from Turkish: yoğurt, and is usually related to the verb yoğurmak, "to knead", or "to be curdled or coagulated; to thicken".
The first use of yogurt was believed to be by Central Asian herdsmen, who stored their extra goat's milk in containers made out of animal stomachs to preserve it while on the go. Some of the milk stored in these skins, to their surprise, became thick and tart. More importantly, it was still edible — even after a surprisingly long period of time in the hot sun. by EREN OIB

Common Languages: It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations all over the world.
example sentences from the teammates:
Turkish: Yoğurt sağlıklıdır. (Yogurt is healthy.) by EREN OIB
Spanish:Después de cenar me como un yogurt. (After diner i eat yogurth) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: Eu adoro iogurte de chocolate é uma das minhas comidas favoritas.
( I love chocolate yogurt it’s one of my favorite foods.) by Flipe EPB
Romanian: iaurtul are un gust interesant.(Yogurt has an interesting taste.) by Rebeca INR by EREN OIB

Definition: (/bɑːkləˈvɑː, ˈbɑːkləvɑː/, or /bəˈklɑːvə/; Ottoman Turkish: باقلوا) is a layered pastry dessert made of filo pastry, filled with chopped nuts, and sweetened with syrup or honey. It was one of the most popular sweet pastries of Ottoman cuisine.
Its Origin: Turkish
The languages it is seen: It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations (Armenian, Azerbaijani, Balkan Languages, Arabic and Turkish) all over the world.
Example sentences:
Turkish: Dün baklava yedim .(I ate baklava yesterday.) by Eren OİB
Spanish: Los findes de semana me gusta comer baklavas (At The weekends i like to eat Baklavas) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: Eu costumava fazer baclava com o meu pai e elas saiam excelentes. ( I used to do baklava’s with my father and they used to turn out great.) by Flipe EPB
Romanian:Baklavalele sunt foarte dulci.(Baklavas are very sweet.)by Rebeca INR


Definition: The name “taxi” is obviously shortened from “taxicab”, which is derived from
the two words: “taximeter” and “cabriolet”. The taximeter was invented in 1891 and is used to record distances and calculate the fare. Cabriolet refers to a horse drawn carriage where the driver stands in the back of the carriage. The first documented use of the word “taxicab” was in March of 1907 in London. Another phrase that derived from taximeter was a “taxi dancer”, which was a woman who sold her services at dance halls.
Its Origin: 1.The name “taximeter” itself is derived from the Mid-Latin “taxa”, meaning “tax or charge”. 2.Ultimately the word "taxi" may actually have its roots in the Ancient Greek language via the word "taxidi" meaning "journey". by Eren OİB


The Languages it is seen in: It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations all over the world.
Example Sentences from teammates:
Turkish: Çok beklememe rağmen taksi gelmedi.
(Although I waited for a long time , the taxi didn't come) by Eren OIB
Spanish: Los taxis son amarillos (Taxis are yellow) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: O meu tio e taxista e o seu táxi e muito rápido (My uncle is taxist, his taxi his really fast) by Flipe EPB
Romanian:)Ori de câte ori iau un taxi, ajung repede unde vreau.(Whenever I take a taxi, I get where I want quickly.) by Rebeca IN R

Spaghetti is a long, thin, solid, cylindrical pasta, spaghetti is made of milled
wheat and waterand sometimes enriched with vitamins and minerals.
Its Origin: Italian by Rebeca INR
The Languages : It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations all over the world,
Example Sentences:
Romanian: Îmi plac foarte mult spaghetele (I like spaghetti very much) by Rebeca INR
Turkish: spaghetti domates sosu ile çok iyiydir.(Spaghetti is very good with tomato paste) by EREN OİB
Spanish: Mi abuelo hace unos espaguetis muy ricos(Mi grandfather cook a delicius spaghettis) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: No ano passado fui a Itália e provei a melhor esparguete da minha vida.(Last year I went to Italy and tasted the best spaghetti of my life. by Flipe EPB

Definition: Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to divine
information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects.
Its Origin: The word astrology comes from the early latin word astrologia which derives from the Greek—from astron("star") and logia, ("study of"—"account of the stars").
The Languages it is common: It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations all over the world.
by Rebeca INR

Example Sentences:
Romanian: Mulți oameni sunt interesați de astrologie.(Many people are interested in astrology) by Rebeca IN R
Turkish: astroloji insanların gökleri keşfettiği ilk yerlerdendir.(Astrology was one of the first places people discovered in the sky) by EREN OİB
Spanish: Estudiar la astrología es muy difícil (Studying astrology is very dificult) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: O emprego de sonho da minha namorada é astróloga (My girlfriend's dream Job is astrologist.) by Flipe EPB

Definition: The term director is a title given to the senior management
staff of businesses and other large organisations. by Rebeca INR
Its Origin: From Anglo-Norman directour, which comes from Old French (today directeur) <late Latin director, directorem, from directus ("direct, right").
The Languages it is common: It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations in many languages but in Turkish it is 'yönetmen/yönetici'


Example Sentences:
Romanian: Am vorbit cu directorul săptămâna trecută. (I spoke to the director last week) by Rebeca IN R
Turkish: Yönetici bir arabanın direksiyonu gibidir eğer yanlış kullanılîrsa kaza olur.(the manager is like the steering wheel of a car, if misused, there will be an accident) by EREN OİB
Spanish: El director de mi instituto es muy majo (My school director is very friendly) by Lucia IES
Portuguese: Eu sou neto do diretor da escola.(I am the nephew of the school director )by Flipe EPB

by Flipe EPB
Definition:Chocolate is a food made on the basis of
fermented and roasted cocoa beans.
Chocolate, as it is consumed today, is the result of successive improvements made since the beginning of the colonization of America.
Its Origin: Early 17th century (in the sense ‘a drink made with chocolate’): from French chocolat or Spanish chocolate, from Nahuatl chocolatl ‘food made from cacao seeds’, influenced by unrelated cacaua-atl ‘drink made from cacao’.
in which languages is it seen: It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations all over the world.

Example sentences:
Turkish: Fazla çikolata yemek dişlerimiz için zararlıdır.(Eating too much chocolate is harmful to our teeth) by EREN OİB
Romanian: Ciocolata în cantități mari nu este recomandată.(Chocolate in large quantities is not recommended.)by Rebeca IN
Spanish:Mi comida favorita es el chocolate (My favourite food is chocolate) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: Eu adoro bolo de chocolate a minha mãe faz o melhor.(I love chocolate cake, my mom makes the best.)
by Flipe EPB

Definition: In general terms, police is the activity of watching,
policing. Many governments have a law enforcement agency. By extension,
the term "police" is also used to designate corporations and people whose main function is to exercise that activity.
Its Origin: First attested in English in the early 15th century, originally in a range of senses encompassing '(public) policy; state; public order', the word police comes from Middle French police (public order, administration, government), in turn from Latin politia, which is the Latinisation of the Greek πολιτεία (politeia),
The Languages: Languages that borrow words from the Indo-European group are found to be similar and the term "Police" is no different. In languages that are not connected with English or Latin, such as in Japanese, the word for Police is quite different: Keisatsu by Flipe EPB

Example Sentences:
Turkish: Polis güvenliği sağlar.( The polis provides safety) by Eren OİB
Romanian: Politia este intotdeauna la datorie.(The police are always on duty.) Rebeca IN R
Spanish: La policía siempre te ayuda (The police always help you) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: O meu amigo foi para a academia da polícia mas não conseguiu um distintivo policial.(My friend went to police academy but he didn’t got the police distinctive.) by Flipe EPB

by Lucia IES JS
Definition: University is a high-level educational institution in
which students study for degrees and academic research is done.
Come of an abstract name formed on the adjective UNIVERSUS-A-UM.
Its Origin: Latin
The Languages it is seen: It is a word that is pronounced almost the same in almost all countries


Example Sentences by the teammates:
Turkish: Üniversite de okumuş ama hala işi yok.(He studied at university but still has no
job) by Eren OİB
Romanian: Universitățile renumite sunt cele mai apreciate.(Renowned universities are the most appreciated.) Rebeca INR
Spanish: Me gustaria estudiar en una universidat tan importante como la de Oxford.(I would like to study at a university as important as Oxford) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: A minha irmã foi para a universidade para se tornar enfermeira. ( My sister went to university to become a nurse.) by Flipe EPB


by Lucia IES JS
Definition: Park is a large public garden or area of land used for fun.
In other definition the place which the cars parking there.
Its Origin: In French Language the Word “park” comes to “parc”
The Languages it is seen: In other lenguages it
is pronunced as the same or with small variations.


Example Sentences:
Turkish: Herkes parkta oyun oynadığı zamanlara dönmek ister.(everybody wants to go back to playing games in the park) by Eren OİB
Romanian: Parcul este cel mai bun loc de relaxare.(The park is the best place to relax.) Rebeca INR
Portuguese: Eu costumo ira o parque com o meu primo para brincar.( My cousin usually goes to the park with me to play around) by Flipe EPB
Spanish: Me gusta ir al parque con mis amigos los viernes a las seis de la tarde.(I like going to the park with my friends at six on Fridays.) by Lucia IES JS

by Marinela sSS
Definition: a thick, cold, red sauce made from tomatoes
Its Origin:
The word ketchup itself actually comes from the term "ke-tsiap", an old word used by the people of Southeast Asia to describe fish sauce. Its name today varies by country, but the Chinese sailors who popularized it in the region called it "ke-tsiap." When Europeans started visiting this area in the 17th century, they simply accepted the name.
Common Languages: almost the same all over the world


Example Sentences:
Romanian: Cel mai mult îmi place ketchupul picant.(I like spicy ketchup the most.) by Rebeca INR
Portuguese: Eu não gosto de ketchup mas batatas. (I don’t like ketchup in my potatoes.) by Flipe EPB
Turkish: Ketçapsız fastfood hayal edemiyorum.( I can't imagine fast food without ketchup) by Eren OİB
Spanish: No me gusta el kétchup (I don`t like ketchup) by Lucia IES JS

by MarInela sSS
DefInItIon: a dısh of Italıan orıgın, consıstıng of
a flat round base of dough baked wıth a toppıng of tomatoes and cheese, typıcally wıth added meat, fısh, or vegetables.
Its OrIgIn: Is it correct to write pizza or pizza? Of course, pizza is correct because the words pizza and pizzeria in the Croatian standard language are taken from the Italian language in the form in which they are written in the original language. The words pizza and pizzeria are not adapted to the Croatian language for sociolinguistic reasons. However, they should be written in italics (italics) to indicate spelling inconsistencies.
Common Languages: pızza ıs the same
everywhere :)


Example Sentences:
SPANISH: La pizza es típica de Italia (Pizza is a typical Italıan food) by lucıa ıes js
Romanıan: Multe tipuri de pizza sunt bune.(Many types of pizza are good.) by rebeca ın r
Turkish: düzgün baharat karışımı ile güzel olmayacak pizza yok.(No pizza that will not be nice with proper spice mix) by eren oib
PORTUGUESE: Ontem comi a melhor pizza de sempre. (Yesterday I tasted the best pizza ever) by Flipe EPB
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Flipe EPB, Portugal
Bruno N. EPB, Portugal
Lucia IES JS, Spain
Olga IES FG, Spain
Marinela sSS, Croatia
Oğuz AAAL, Turkey
Eren OİB, Turkey
Team Coach: Merve D.

definition: also spelled yoghurt, yogourt or yoghourt, is a food produced by bacterial fermentation of milk.
its origin: The word is derived from Turkish: yoğurt, and is usually related to the verb yoğurmak, "to knead", or "to be curdled or coagulated; to thicken".
The first use of yogurt was believed to be by Central Asian herdsmen, who stored their extra goat's milk in containers made out of animal stomachs to preserve it while on the go. Some of the milk stored in these skins, to their surprise, became thick and tart. More importantly, it was still edible — even after a surprisingly long period of time in the hot sun. by EREN OIB

Common Languages: It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations all over the world.
example sentences from the teammates:
Turkish: Yoğurt sağlıklıdır. (Yogurt is healthy.) by EREN OIB
Spanish:Después de cenar me como un yogurt. (After diner i eat yogurth) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: Eu adoro iogurte de chocolate é uma das minhas comidas favoritas.
( I love chocolate yogurt it’s one of my favorite foods.) by Flipe EPB
Romanian: iaurtul are un gust interesant.(Yogurt has an interesting taste.) by Rebeca INR by EREN OIB

Definition: (/bɑːkləˈvɑː, ˈbɑːkləvɑː/, or /bəˈklɑːvə/; Ottoman Turkish: باقلوا) is a layered pastry dessert made of filo pastry, filled with chopped nuts, and sweetened with syrup or honey. It was one of the most popular sweet pastries of Ottoman cuisine.
Its Origin: Turkish
The languages it is seen: It is pronounced as the same or with minor variations (Armenian, Azerbaijani, Balkan Languages, Arabic and Turkish) all over the world.
Example sentences:
Turkish: Dün baklava yedim .(I ate baklava yesterday.) by Eren OİB
Spanish: Los findes de semana me gusta comer baklavas (At The weekends i like to eat Baklavas) by Lucia IES JS
Portuguese: Eu costumava fazer baclava com o meu pai e elas saiam excelentes. ( I used to do baklava’s with my father and they used to turn out great.) by Flipe EPB
Romanian:Baklavalele sunt foarte dulci.(Baklavas are very sweet.)by Rebeca INR

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