This book has been written collaborately by the teachers and students who are partners in the eTwinning project
Digital power of me.

(Aymelek.art) FATIH Hello Maria, how are you? Are you still involved in eTwinning projects?
(Inderpreet and Mattia) MARIA Hi Fatih, I'm fine, yes I'm interested in eTwinning project, DIGITAL POWER OF ME. And you?

Characters: Maria Fatih Ahmet Bilen
(Zeliha.art) FATIH I participated in a new project with digital content, and I am collecting information about it.
(Mehmet) FATIH Disinformation is information published intentionally
and its accuracy or falsehood is unknown.
(Simone and Andrea) MARIA I also found some of them. How can I protect myself from misinformation?
(İkra) FATIH I was thinking about doing research on this. If you want, we can do research together. I think we can get/reach the necessary information from experts in the field or from a library.
(Miriam and Benedetta) MARIA It's a good idea and i want partecipate to it.

(Ahmet) FATIH Let me get help from experts in my own country, you can get help from experts in your own country, so we can have a lot of information about this issue in two different countries, as well as up to date information.
(Sude art) MARIA Ah that's great!
(Claudia Rizzaro) NARRATOR In this point, Fatih and Maria contact with an expert in a chatroom or in videochat.
( Nuri) FATIH Hello, dear information technologies expert Ahmet Bilen. My friend Maria and I are doing research about media and digital media and we will ask you a few questions about that.
(Hüseyin ÇETİN) Ahmet BİLEN Of course, guys, you can ask what you have in mind.
(Zeliha.art) MARIA How can we trust that the information we get while doing research on the internet?
(Zehra.art) Ahmet BİLEN Not all information on the internet is correct. Because there are thousands of sites, pages and blogs on the internet. Anyone can easily open a blog or forum and write something in the world.
(Nuri) FATIH This is a highly dangerous situation. What can we do to avoid this situation?

(Hüseyin ÇETİN) Ahmet BİLEN Who prepared the article you are reading? What are their sources? Is it safe? These three questions are very important. You should not follow every site except for certain media organizations. You should pay attention to the time and date of the news. Be careful with exaggerated titles and content. Also be careful if the address bar of a site you enter starts with http as secure sites always starts with http.
(Zeliha.art) MARIA This information you provided enlightened us. Thank you.
(Fatma Zehra BAŞIBÜYÜK) NARRATOR Fatih and Maria decided to continue their studies, as they received expert advice.
(Zeliha.art) FATIH Let's make a public spot video that will satisfy the curiosity of curious children like us and raise the awareness of other people, what do you say Maria? In this way, we prevent many false information that may take place in the media.
(Nuri) MARIA Fatih, this is a great idea, of course I would like to do it. In this way, we prevent many false information that may take place in the media.


Mrs Sati
(Aycan UYSAL) Fatih The media has a lot of positive qualities, isn't it, Maria?
(Elifirem.md) Maria Yes, you are right, Fatih. Come on, how about making a public spot about this?
(Batuhan.çatalarık) Fatih Great idea! I have a relative in TRT. Mrs.Satı. Let's consult her.
(İlayda.my) Maria Oh this is a super idea. What is the mission of Mrs Sati? She can give us information on this subject.
(Beril. Çatalarık) Fatih She works as a media consultant in TRT. I am sure it will enlighten us.
(Kürşat.md) Fatih I'll get in touch immediately.

(Hakan ÖLMEZ) Narrator Fatih meets with Mrs. Satı, makes an appointment and plans an online interview.
(ceylin.ÇATALARIK) Maria Welcome Mrs. Satı. Fatih and I want to prepare a public post on the positive aspects of the media. Can you enlighten us on this issue?
(Dilara md) Satı Hi children. It is very valuable to do research on such an important subject and want to inform people about it. I congratulate you. It is also my great pleasure to assist you.
(Zehra my) Satı Media is a powerful communication tool.It allows us to get news from instant events all over the world.

(Beril. Çatalarık) Fatih You are absolutely right. It also contributes to education. For example, I can re-learn lessons from the media that I didn't understand or missed.
(ceylin.ÇATALARIK) Maria Quite right, we can also organize the masses in a positive way.
(Kadir) Satı You guys already knew them. Documentaries on many subjects are published. You can follow them carefully. By paying attention to copyrights on legal grounds, you can get permission from the relevant persons and use them.

(Şefika.Çatalatık) Fatih Thank you very much, Mrs Satı. You have given us a lot of valuable information. We can use it to create our public spot. Right, Maria?
(Oktay Çilingir) Maria Why not? This information will shed light on our work. Thank you very much Mrs. Satı.
(Aycan UYSAL) Narrator Therefore the children started to work.

(Ayşe YILDIRIM) Narrator Fatih and Maria gathered information about the positive aspects and beneficial aspects of the media and digital media by consulting experts, but they also started to research on the negative aspects.
(Sena) Maria: Fatih, we learned the benefits of media and digital media with this information. Besides, you know that there are many negative aspects as well. We hear it in the news almost every day, we see it from our environment.
(Elif Ela) Fatih: Yes Maria, you are very right. In terms of security, cyber-attacks affect all of us individually and cause negativity in the digital environment of large government institutions and companies.
(Burçak) Maria: Malicious people can do this in the internet environment. They make virus software and all people as a society are victimized.
(Nil) Fatih: My password was recently stolen on social media. The person who stole my password requested money from all the people on my friends list. I made the announcement. They helped me a lot.
(Anıl) Maria: Aaaaaaa! Look what came to my mind, Fatih, we should also investigate such negativities of digital media, and we should definitely include these issues in the video we will prepare.

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This book has been written collaborately by the teachers and students who are partners in the eTwinning project
Digital power of me.

(Aymelek.art) FATIH Hello Maria, how are you? Are you still involved in eTwinning projects?
(Inderpreet and Mattia) MARIA Hi Fatih, I'm fine, yes I'm interested in eTwinning project, DIGITAL POWER OF ME. And you?

Characters: Maria Fatih Ahmet Bilen
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