Misinformation Books

  • Digital power of me eTwinning project
    Fatih and Maria, two students, research the digital power of media and how to protect themselves from misinformation. They consult experts and create a public service ad to r…
  • Dis /Mal/ Mis-information & Fake news
    This book educates children about fake news, its impact, and how to avoid it. It provides examples and tips for fact-checking.
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  • The Tomatillons are an alien species who have fled their planet for a better life on earth. At first all seems well. But soon an anti-alien sentiment begins to grow. Will the…
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    A collection of short definitions and explanations about media literacy, misinformation, disinformation, rumors, urban legends, spam, trolls, spreaders, clarifiers, persuader…
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  • What Is Media Literacy and Disinformation?
    The story explains the concepts of media literacy and disinformation, emphasizing the importance of understanding and detecting false information.
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  • The Yorktown Battle
    The story of the Battle of Yorktown and how American forces, led by George Washington, defeated the British. The use of spies and misinformation played a crucial role in the …
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  • The
    The story discusses the negative influence of social media, including misinformation and controversies, and suggests solutions to overcome these problems.
  • Plato's Allegory of the Cave: Devon's Vaccination
    Devon, a young girl in a COVID-19 pandemic, faces challenges when her family believes false information about vaccines.
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