* Intended for grades 6-12*

The constitution is the document that has the rules for our country that we are expected to follow.
The constitution was made official on June 21, 1788. This was a very long time ago, before you, your parents, and even your grandparents were born!
The constitution is a pretty long and difficult document. Luckily for you, this book will explain it to you in a more simple way.

The Structure of the Constitution
As any good document should, the Constitution has structure! The Constitution is made up of:
- The Preamble
- The 7 Articles
- The 27 Amendments
The Preamble of the Constitution is first part of the Constitution. It is an introduction that basically explains why the Constitution is being made.

Article I
There are three branches of government: The legislative, the executive, and the judicial branch. The first Article of the constitution is about the first branch of government: the legislative branch.
Article 1 is about the legislative branch, more specifically congress. The constitution gives congress the power to make all necessary and proper laws.
There are 2 sections of congress: The Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 2 Senators per state and the number of Representatives depends on the population of the state.
Article I cont.
Congress can do things such as declare war and pass laws, but they cannot passs Ex Post Facto Laws (you can't charge someone for a crime that was legal at the time), nor can they pass any laws that violate the Habeus Corpus (you must have a reason or evidence to arrest a person).
Article II
The second article of the constitution is about the Executive Branch. This branch carries out, or executes, the laws.
This branch of government contains the President and Vice President. They are elected at the same time and can only serve up to two four-year terms in office.
In order to become President, you have to be at least 35, be a natural-born U.S. citizen, and have lived in the US for at least 14 years. If a President dies or gets impeached, the Vice President will take their place.

Article II cont
People such as the President, Vice President, and Civil Officers can get impeached if they commit crimes such as treason (betraying the government), abuse of power, and other high crimes.

Only 3 presidents have been impeached so far!
Article III
The third article of the constitution is about the Judicial Branch.
The Judicial Branch's main job is to judge/interpret the laws and punish those who break them.
Included in the Judicial Branch are the Supreme Court and other smaller courts created by Congress. The Supreme Court is acknowledged as the federal system's highest court.
Article III cont
Judges can serve for life and can be impeached or they can resign, or leave their job willingly.

Article IV and V
Article 4 outlines the relationships between the states themselves and the relationship between the states and federal government. States shall respect the laws and procedures of other states. Congress has the power to admit new states with certain rules.
Article 5 describes the process by which amendments can be created and ratified (made official).
Article VI and VII
Article 6 of the constitution says that the national government is supreme in conflicts over the individual states.
Article 7 of the constitution narrates the ratification process for the constitution. 9 of the 13 states needed to approve of it in order for it to become official.
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments. They are a list of basic freedoms and protections.
The Bill of Rights got inspiration from the English Bill of Rights.

Amendments 1-3
The 1st Amendment gives us our freedoms. These include freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to bear arms, or guns.
The 3rd Amendment says that we do not have to allow troops or people in the military into our homes without permission.
Amendments 4-6
The 4th amendment gives you protection from search and seizure. Officers must have a warrant or good reason to search you, or else they cannot.
The 5th amendment lays out the rights of the accused. You cannot be forced to tell on yourself, you cannot be charged for the same thing twice, everyone gets fair treatment, etc.

The 6th Amendment gives us the right to a fair and speedy trial.
Amendments 7-10
The 7th Amendment states that you have a right to a jury for civil cases.
The 8th Amendment gives you protection from unfair punishments.
The 9th Amendment states that just because a right isn't listed doesn't mean it isn't protected.
The 10th amendment states that power not given to the national government is granted to the states.
Congratulations! You made it through the Articles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights! You're almost there! Here are a few questions to see if you understand.
1. How many articles are there?
2. What are one of the rights you have as a U.S. citizen?
3. How many branches of government are there?
*Answer Key in the back*
Amendment 11 says that the government will handle state issues with other states or countries.
Amendments 11-13
Amendment 12 states that the vice president and president must run at the same time and the vice president must meet the requirements of president.

Amendments 14-17
Amendment 14 defined citizenship and allowed slaves to be citizens.
Amendment 15 gave African American men the right to vote. It also said that the states cannot stop one from voting based on their skin color.
Amendment 16 made income tax legal.
Amendment 17 gives the people the right to vote for their senators.
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* Intended for grades 6-12*

The constitution is the document that has the rules for our country that we are expected to follow.
The constitution was made official on June 21, 1788. This was a very long time ago, before you, your parents, and even your grandparents were born!
The constitution is a pretty long and difficult document. Luckily for you, this book will explain it to you in a more simple way.

The Structure of the Constitution
As any good document should, the Constitution has structure! The Constitution is made up of:
- The Preamble
- The 7 Articles
- The 27 Amendments
- END >
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