" ICT and robotics in preschool education :
A more attractive way for learning !"
For the Erasmus team
The project coordinator
Anna Magkiosi
Τhe new technologies are able to become a valuable tool for expressing, communicating, exploring, experimenting and searching in the hands of pre school education pupils ,because contribute to the enhancement of exploratory learning of many different cognitive
subjects and sciences ,facilitates their deeper comprehension ,enhances to the development of analytical and synthetic thinking
and helps children development and their smooth socialization.
Through using ICT and robotic equipment in daily learning activities in combination with selected activities of curriculum of pre school education,children developed their skills in research, critical and creative thinking approach.
They experimented with different materials , learnted through play, cooperated with other children, respecting the rules and responsibilities ,accepting the diversity.
Teaching was more interesting for the children and they had the chance to be more active ,to explore, to observe, analyse and solve problems ,to experiment, act and they experience success in the work process.
They implemented their new skills, developed the spirit of cooperation and responsibility, produced themselves materials and participated in activities, feeling the joy of creativity.
Project was for children 3-6 years old.
During the project children shared their work with children of other European countries using various web tools and internet environments and learning about the culture of the participant countries, accept their co - existences and imagined a common future, getting the sense that they are part of a larger world called Europe.
The main project aim is to improve educators and children digital and technology skills using educational robots and ICT equipment and the integration of ICT (including STEAM and robotics) in learning and teaching process of pre school education.
They implemented their new skills, developed the spirit of cooperation and responsibility, produced themselves materials and participated in activities, feeling the joy of creativity.
Common project results by all partners using ICT!
All partners (children and teachers )used many different tools to creat videos,presentations ,interactive pictures and maps, educational games,stories ,collages and posters,Books and magagines ,comics ,voting boards,questionnaires and other educational mateial .
Also they used the ICT for their communication and to exchange their work and their ideas and finally to disseminate and evaluate the ptoject outcomes!
See a sample of the use of ICT during project's implemebtation in the next pages of all partners and per school!
Creation of common poems and stories via story jumper !
Creation of common poems and stories via
- - Genially
- BookCreator
- Anyflip
- Flipsnack
Creation of maps,padlets,linoits and calendars
We use ICT for creation of:
-voting board via tricider
-videos via kizoa,vimeo,movie maker and you tube
-questionnaire via goodle forms and survey monkey
-common maps (zeep map,google map and pictra map)
-e books via Genially , book creator ,story jumper and anyflip
-educational teaching material
-various presentations for the needs of the project via canva,genially,animoto,slide share,sway,emage and google
-creation of calendars
- creation of qr -codes for games ,videos and presentations
- creation of comics via bookcreators and story board
-educational games ,puzzles ,collages and posters via learning apps ,cunzy ,baamboozle ,word wall ,edpuzzle
and jigsawplanet
- interactive pictures and boards
We used various web tools :
- padlet and Linoit for inrodution,excanging of wishes and to post our work on various topics
- pixel art (children via drawings learned coding)
- wordclouds to create wordclouds on different topics
- the Kahoot and mentimeter for games and evaluation
We used also the ICT for our communication :
skype,Twinboards ,forum,chat ,whatch app,messager ,adobe connect ,zoom ,microsoft teams and project page in face book.
Teachers and childen communication by the use of ICT
Learning through the use of ICT in Greek school
(A sample of activities)
Children learned through playing using technology.
They gained new knowledge and skills by creating: photo collages , puzzles, qr codes, educational games,creation of post cards,stories ,poems and fairy tales and learned to use a variety of internet environments( smart devices and applications)
They used the tool of drawing to made beautiful drawings,to play with coding games ,4D cards and live books .
Also they used the ICT for communication with children of the other countries and they really enjoyed it.
Children took part in learning activities through different learning fields using smart devices, educational robots and ICT equipment
and using different applications and internet environments to create games for learning activities.
Educators in our school learned how to use the technology during learning activities and how help children to learn by the use of ICT.
Children learn about dinosaurus via live books!
They also learn for different topics by the use of live books!
Virtual reallity!
Children really enjoyed
their playing via Quiver cards !
We learned coding games via the tool code.org
and welcome children in the the world of programatism.
We created qr codes for games videos and presentations
Through different internet environments children learned the numbers,they play pairing and other games by the use of computer !
Drawings via computer (use of ICT in our class)
Drawings via the tool of Auto draw!
We used padlets for inrtoduction,
for frienship recipe,for the tree of peace
and many other topics ...
and the tool of wordcloud
to exchange Christmas and Easter wishes!
Creation of daily calendars and educational teaching material
Creation of puzzles and educational games
Search the internet for various topics and watch videos
Use of interactive boards in every day learning !
Creation of school news paper
We also educate teachers and parents about the safety in internet ,the use of new apps and other internet environment
and we use the ICT to present and spread project's activities
via live events and via webinars to and wider community .
Learning through the use of ICT in Latvian school
(A sample of activities)
In the daily learning process after participating in the Erasmus + project, we use more and more different digital devices, tools and interactive learning methods.
We have also started creating various interactive visuals - e-books, educational games, puzzles, Advent calendars, virtual walls, etc.
The following pages of the book provide some insight into what we use on a daily basis in our preschool.
PuzzleAR and 4D cards are great for see how things looks like and how they move!
We use tablets in the learning process.
Not only for playing.
We use QR codes to find out something!
The digital Advent calendar is a great option for Christmas.
We create a lot of games and puzzles
QuiverVision has a lot of option what children can do!
Padlet is one of our favorite digital tool!
We also train teachers in the use of technology - at the county and national level.
Children of Virgen de la Vega school have learnt more about ICT and robotics through playing using technology.
They have got new knowledges and skills and they also have developed their creativity and imagination. They have been able to create photo collages , puzzles, qr codes, educational games, beautiful digital ñpictures, etc.
They have learnt to use some tools like autodraw; remove backround; educaplay or learningsapp.
Also they used the ICT for communication with children of the other countries and they really enjoyed it.
Learning through the use of ICT in Spanish school
(A sample of activities)
All teachers in our school have learnt the use of ICT in preschool to aply in their lessons and make them more attractive and interesting.
They use technologies in their routines and teach students to use some smart devices like computers, tablets or interactive boards.
Children also took part each year in some activities to learn how to program a robot or use different web tools to create games.
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
" ICT and robotics in preschool education :
A more attractive way for learning !"
For the Erasmus team
The project coordinator
Anna Magkiosi
Τhe new technologies are able to become a valuable tool for expressing, communicating, exploring, experimenting and searching in the hands of pre school education pupils ,because contribute to the enhancement of exploratory learning of many different cognitive
subjects and sciences ,facilitates their deeper comprehension ,enhances to the development of analytical and synthetic thinking
and helps children development and their smooth socialization.
Through using ICT and robotic equipment in daily learning activities in combination with selected activities of curriculum of pre school education,children developed their skills in research, critical and creative thinking approach.
They experimented with different materials , learnted through play, cooperated with other children, respecting the rules and responsibilities ,accepting the diversity.
Teaching was more interesting for the children and they had the chance to be more active ,to explore, to observe, analyse and solve problems ,to experiment, act and they experience success in the work process.
They implemented their new skills, developed the spirit of cooperation and responsibility, produced themselves materials and participated in activities, feeling the joy of creativity.
Project was for children 3-6 years old.
During the project children shared their work with children of other European countries using various web tools and internet environments and learning about the culture of the participant countries, accept their co - existences and imagined a common future, getting the sense that they are part of a larger world called Europe.
The main project aim is to improve educators and children digital and technology skills using educational robots and ICT equipment and the integration of ICT (including STEAM and robotics) in learning and teaching process of pre school education.
They implemented their new skills, developed the spirit of cooperation and responsibility, produced themselves materials and participated in activities, feeling the joy of creativity.
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