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How did america feel about expanding?
Before america became interested in obtaining more
property, or becoming imperialistic, opinions of expanding
became extremely positive. However, when george
washington quit being president, he told us to beware
Imagine if you made a large LEGO castle. Naturally, you’re
scared knocks it down. Rather than make a big target castle,
some people want smaller castles in different places. But
others think the smaller castles would be knocked down
easier, and want the castle in the same place, but taller!
What would you do?

Failed expansion plans
In some cases, the US failed to obtain property, like with the
philippines, which the US got in a treaty with spain, only to
have the phillipines rebel from US control.
Now imagine you’ve found the perfect table to build your
castle on, but someone else has it. You try to negotiate, but
in the end, you don’t get the table. Not even fighting works.
And when you get it, someone else takes it. That’s how the
US felt

Acquisition of alaska
Some in the U.S. also wanted alaska, but most everyone didn’t.
William Seward thought the land had potential, but no one else did.
they called it Seward's folly. When alaska was obtained in 1867, it
had lots of gold.
So, you get a box of pieces, but you don’t know if the pieces are
good. you open it, and it’s full of good stuff! That's essentially the
US with alaska

Acquisition of Hawaii
Hawaii was another territory the US wanted. Many companies
wanted the land, and the US needed a foothold in the Pacific.
Trading started in the 1790s, and despite the natives and the
current queen, Liliuokalani, wanting their islands to themselves, the
islands were overthrown by whites and became a US territory in
Imagine another great table, which has all the cool pieces, and you
can use it. but after a while, the person you took it from wants it
back. but other kids take it and you get it in the end.

Economic motives for expansion
America had many economic, or money based, reasons to expand.
For example, Hawaii had fertile land, which the US could use to
grow food to trade (and even some new types of plants and
animals) , and alaska had surplus amounts of gold (but we didn't
know that!)

Strategic reasons to expand
So you want to defend your lego castle. you get a brilliant idea to
take over other lego castles to keep your enemies at bay, or to just
watch them. thats why the US wanted a foothold in the pacific.

Race-driven motives
Americans also thought it was their duty to “educate the
uncivilized”. They believed they had to share Christianity and
Western civilization. One minister, Josiah Strong, said we needed an
“ Imperialism of Christianity and religion”.

Cuban Rebellion
Before the Spanish-American War, Cuba wanted to rebel. When
the Maine (a US ship sent to protect americans from cuban riots)
sunk on February 15th, 1898 at Havana Harbor, Newspapers
immediately blamed spain. On April 19, Congress recognized that
Cuba was free, and demanded the spanish leave. on the 25th, they
declared war on Spain, and assisted the cuban rebels the their

enter text here
Yellow journalism
Yellow journalism sprung up during the age of imperialism. Yellow
Journalism was sensational, biased (talked on one side), and were
often false. Yellow journalistic papers reported on spain mistreating
cubans, and started the spanish american war after blaming spain
for the maine sinking

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

How did america feel about expanding?
Before america became interested in obtaining more
property, or becoming imperialistic, opinions of expanding
became extremely positive. However, when george
washington quit being president, he told us to beware
Imagine if you made a large LEGO castle. Naturally, you’re
scared knocks it down. Rather than make a big target castle,
some people want smaller castles in different places. But
others think the smaller castles would be knocked down
easier, and want the castle in the same place, but taller!
What would you do?

Failed expansion plans
In some cases, the US failed to obtain property, like with the
philippines, which the US got in a treaty with spain, only to
have the phillipines rebel from US control.
Now imagine you’ve found the perfect table to build your
castle on, but someone else has it. You try to negotiate, but
in the end, you don’t get the table. Not even fighting works.
And when you get it, someone else takes it. That’s how the
US felt

Acquisition of alaska
Some in the U.S. also wanted alaska, but most everyone didn’t.
William Seward thought the land had potential, but no one else did.
they called it Seward's folly. When alaska was obtained in 1867, it
had lots of gold.
So, you get a box of pieces, but you don’t know if the pieces are
good. you open it, and it’s full of good stuff! That's essentially the
US with alaska

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