Expansionism Books

  • If You Give Hitler a Country
    A historical account of Hitler's expansionist ambitions, starting with Germany and ending with World War 2.
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  • America's Empire
    The story discusses America's expansionist motives, including failed plans, acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii, economic and strategic reasons, race-driven motives, the Cuban R…
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    A historical account of American expansionism and its impact on indigenous peoples, focusing on the Spanish-American War and US control over Cuba and the Philippines.
  • Civil War and Reconstruction (1)
    Jeff and Jess, tour guides through time, provide a brief overview of the Pre-Civil War Era, covering topics such as conflict over slavery, American expansionism, and national…
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  • U.S. History
    The War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States and the United Kingdom. It had various battles and ended with the Treaty of Ghent.
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  • American Expansion
    A historical account of American expansion, focusing on the conflicts and consequences. It highlights the ruthless nature of American expansionism.
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  • final project
    A history book covering various topics from government to modern times, with some inaccuracies and grammar errors.
  • Unit 3 Storybook
    A collection of historical events in the United States from 1787 to 1798, including the Constitution Convention, George Washington's election, and the Whiskey Rebellion.
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