Being eTwinning teachers, we decided to create the book on how to develop growth mindset as a final output for our project. It incorporates the parts of the stories crafted by our students with the help of the AI bot created by D.M. (Diana Morbedadze) in Mizou.
Authors: D.M. - Georgia, D.P. - Turkey, T.K. - Croatia, M.C. - Romania
Play the Kahoot game after finishing the story to check your understanding, created by A.B. (Andrea Beszedes) - Serbia
the images for the story were created by AI -text to images

Every day and every second of our life is tightly connected to feelings and emotions. Without them, we wouldn't be anything, just a mob of identical beings.
Action and reaction to what we feel
makes us different. This is why we
need to identify our feelings and
emotions first, then act accordingly
so that we don't hurt the ones around us.

This is a story about a shy girl who wants to participate in a school public speaking competition but is afraid. We keep an eye on the events developing, and how she overcomes obstacles (experiencing failures,, gaining confidence through effort and persistence) for her growth and success. In the end, we can see the effect of her mindset shift.
Do you think she will participate?

* * *
Mia was sitting quietly and thoughtfully at the back desk near the window when the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom. "Mrs. Smith", - she whispered to herself and smiled tenderly. After a minute, the teacher was explaining new material after what she asked her students to do a comprehension exercise.
At first, carried away by her thoughts, Mia got to work. The teacher walked around the classroom to check the students' understanding. "Mia, half of the answers are correct" - she told her when she approached. “… but you'd better have another try
and do it mindfully ", - she added after a pause.
"Half...?" - Mia's face fell and she immediately thought of never writing anything again, though there was nothing in teacher's feedback that could embarrass her.
Mrs. Smith recognized the look on the girl's face, as she, too, had once been a student, and had to go through the same things. So, she decided to teach her students what they should do when something didn't turn out the best way.
Mrs Smith wrote the phrase "Growth Mindset" on the chalkboard, then added "vs Fixed Mindset" and began explaining both concepts.

Can you guess what the teacher could tell her students?

First, she spoke about Dr. Carol Dweck’s findings from her research: "a fixed mindset is based on the belief that your intelligence or personality is a fixed trait you can’t develop; and a growth mindset is based on the belief that you can grow your abilities through effort, helpful strategies, and other people’s support..." Then, seeing that no one understood, she changed her approach.
"My dear students, you are here to learn and it's not a shame to make mistakes sometimes. Mistakes are the tools for improvement."
"But how can we learn from our mistakes? What do you mean by that?" - asked little Timmy from the
first desk.
"If you make a lot of mistakes, it means that you are not smart enough."- added a curious girl with a pony-tail and pink glasses.
"Kids, that's what I thought when I was your age. That's why I often felt bad. But I have an interesting story for you!" - answered Mrs. Smith.
"Tell us, tell us! Please!" - all the children started shouting.
"But you have to trust me! Listen carefully now!", continued the teacher...
"Once in a small town lived a girl, sweet and kind. Her name was Lily and she liked singing more than

anything else. She would sing all day long, but always in secret. She thought that she could not do it well enough, because she did not attend a music school. Although her dream was to share her songs and poems that she was writing with her classmates.
She was convinced that they would laugh and make fun of her. She never sang outside her room, not even in front of her best friend Alice.
One day there was a talent show organized at her school. And what do you think happened?", -
the teacher asked the children and
stopped the story here .
at the last moment. Many proposed that Lily
Then, the teacher calmly continued her story.
"Actually, none of these happened. When Lily started singing, her voice was thin and trembling, so it didn't actually sound very well. It appeared that she had been right when she thought she wasn't singing very well, but her

song was so beautiful, and the lyrics so catchythat the audience found themselves joining Lily in a big joyful choir. There was such a charming atmosphere that when the song ended, everybody was quiet for some seconds and then they all burst into cheers and applauses."
The students were now looking at the teacher with their eyes wide open, without moving or even breathing.
The teacher ended the suspense and she
continued: "Lily won the prize of popularity...

And it was a course of canto at the music school in the city. A few weeks later, Lily had already gained enough confidence to sing in front of other people and was ready to take in all possible criticism or praise."
Mrs Smith went on: "This is the success story of Lily. So, mind that fear of making mistakes often prevents us from taking risks and trying new things. We should see challenges as opportunities
to grow, learn, and improve. Only then you can achieve your goals."
All the students listened to their teacher silently and were effected by the story.
Mia's eyes sparkled and she smiled at her teacher. She said to herself: "I can do it, I'll improve my writing." Then she continued her work with great motivation and enthusiasm. She corrected the mistakes and showed her work to Mrs Smith. She looked into Mia's eyes and noticed her grateful smile. Mrs Smith thought that her story touched Mia's heart and motivated her. "You did great job, Mia", - she said. Mia thanked her silently.
When she got home,
she smiled at her parents
and walked into her room
with some driving power.
They noticed an incredible
change in their daughter.
Two weeks later, Mrs Smith came to the class with great news. She announced:
"There will be a Public Speaking contest at school and I want all the volunteers to join it. You are

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Being eTwinning teachers, we decided to create the book on how to develop growth mindset as a final output for our project. It incorporates the parts of the stories crafted by our students with the help of the AI bot created by D.M. (Diana Morbedadze) in Mizou.
Authors: D.M. - Georgia, D.P. - Turkey, T.K. - Croatia, M.C. - Romania
Play the Kahoot game after finishing the story to check your understanding, created by A.B. (Andrea Beszedes) - Serbia
the images for the story were created by AI -text to images

Every day and every second of our life is tightly connected to feelings and emotions. Without them, we wouldn't be anything, just a mob of identical beings.
Action and reaction to what we feel
makes us different. This is why we
need to identify our feelings and
emotions first, then act accordingly
so that we don't hurt the ones around us.

This is a story about a shy girl who wants to participate in a school public speaking competition but is afraid. We keep an eye on the events developing, and how she overcomes obstacles (experiencing failures,, gaining confidence through effort and persistence) for her growth and success. In the end, we can see the effect of her mindset shift.
Do you think she will participate?

- END >
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“The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”
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