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"Alright class! Lets get started! Today we are
having a special guest come in to teach us
about probabilities and the 5-D Process! Now
make sure to pay attention because this lesson
is very important. I welcome, the Math
Magician!" , the teacher said.
The kids groaned. All of their minds thought
the same thing-- another boring speaker?
Math is the worst. But little did they know that
today would be one of the best days ever for

"Hello class!", the wizard exclaimed. The kids barely
even gave him a groan. "We don't have much time for
me to be here, so lets get right to work! Now can anyone
tell me what the 5-D process is?"
Nobody replied.
Again nothing.
Finally, Fiona, the class pet shot up her hand and said,
"The 5-D Process is the process that you can use to
figure out several events or compound events.
Compound events are the probabilities of combinations
of simple events. To figure out compound events,
remember, you can add each individual event to create
one final answer!"
The wizard replied, "Well thank you for telling us what
COMPOUND EVENTS are, but what is the 5-D process?"

Fiona blushed in embarrassment and stayed
quiet until the wizard cried,
"Oh, for petes sake! Someone is this class help
Yet again nobody can a peep.
Aggravated, the wizard said, "Well, the 5-D
Process consists of many different things to
organize a problem. There is Describe/Draw,
Define, Do, Decide, and Declare. "
The children silently nodded their heads to
show understanding. Yet nobody seemed

The wizard sighed in frustration.
"Okay then, nobody wants to participate. That's fine.
I guess you all will just have to miss the coolest thing
you would have ever seen because you are too busy
Suddenly, the kids' interest seemed to pike up a bit.
Tom, an adventure fanatic, said, "What?! Do you
mean an adventure! Take me with you! Take me with
"Only if you decide to listen", the wizard said.
The class agreed and thought about what he might
show them.

"Well, before we go, I think we should get a bit
more basic knowledge in us so that we are
prepared for the exciting trip", the wizard said.
"Now let's go over the ways to organize
events. Does anyone know what I'm talking
about? Well, I'm talking about systematic lists,
probability tables, and probability trees!"
"Systematic lists are lists created by following
a system or organized process. You must have
two events to create a systematic list. "

"A probability table organizes information if there are are
exactly two events. Lastly, probability trees organizes
information with 2 + events. Got it?", said the wizard.
The whole class nodded their heads, longing to see what
the wizard was going to show them.
"Now, I know what all of you are thinking, class. You all
want to know what I am going to show you. But first, we
have to go over some quick review about what an
outcome/ possible outcomes are.
Selena, also known as captain obvious, shouted, "Well
an outcome is an answer or a way something turns out
and a possible outcome is the same thing, just not
completely certain! Duh!"

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

"Alright class! Lets get started! Today we are
having a special guest come in to teach us
about probabilities and the 5-D Process! Now
make sure to pay attention because this lesson
is very important. I welcome, the Math
Magician!" , the teacher said.
The kids groaned. All of their minds thought
the same thing-- another boring speaker?
Math is the worst. But little did they know that
today would be one of the best days ever for

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