Prep Red. It will assist you to gain knowledge and understanding of
how and why we will be implementing a variety of ICT resources into
our classroom this year to assist all children on their learning journey.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Our Classroom
Prep Red is a multicultural class of 25 students in a large co educational state college. Here at SSS
we aim to provide the best learning opportunities for all students, catering for a variety of learning
needs and learning styles. To assist us in delivering exciting and engaging lessons in conjunction
with the Australian Curriculum we have a wide variety of ICT resources available to both the
students and the teachers.
In our classroom we have:
* 4 Macintosh computers
* 2 Ipad's
* 2 Digital Cameras
* A scanner
* 4 walkie talkies
* Interactive White board
* 2 Bee- Bots
* Headphones and listening station
All of these resources are used in a responsible manner to further extend on the students learning
and to continue to develop their love of learning.

Using ICTs in our classroom
ICTs will be integrated into our daily lessons for a range of subjects to extend on
your child's learning and allow all children to explore and investigate
independently to further develop their knowledge.
Based on the quote from Child development theorist John Dewey 'If we teach
today as we taught yesterday we rob our children of tomorrow'... the ICTs being
implemented will encourage collaborative thinking and partnerships between both children
and teachers to learn new ways together.
The ICT programs will be developmentally appropriate and of a play based
nature for open ended playful explorations designed to facilitate their learning.
Through the regular use of ICT resources in our classroom your child will be
educated on how to appropriately handle and use the resources and develop a
shared responsibility for the ICT resources with their peers.

How am I going to
enhance your childs
learning through
the use of ICTs??

We are exploring the continent of Africa. Typically we would:
* brainstorm ideas creating a mind map
* share our thoughts and questions
* look at the world globe to see where Africa is
To enhance that learning experience with the use of multiple ICTs we can:
* explore the internet independently and in groups to further develop knowledge
* research and investigation in pairs African animals and people to developing our language and
communication skills and peer relationships.
We could also:
* exploring African animals and music through games on the interactive white board
* Looking at pictures and videos of African children home and school life on the Ipad
*Use the computers to pose questions to Google and research to find the answers with the assistance of
the teacher
By using ICTs the normal learning experience has been taken to another level by encouraging the
children to take the lead and independently explore and pose questions that they have. Though the use of
the internet, the children can view pictures and watch videos to create a real understanding of life in

Why use ICT in the
To enhance YOUR child's learning

Improve language and communication skills:
* Variety of software or internet programs focusing on stories, rhymes and songs will help to develop an
appreciation for reading and assist in developing a wider vocabulary
* Interactive White board used for both teacher led and independent open ended activities
* Foster conversation and interaction between teacher and peers
* Develop and understanding of the representation symbols related to reading and writing
* Internet based and software programs both play based will engage children in learning activities that will
help children to learn their letters and sounds to develop their phonemic awareness
* Internet based programs can assist children to develop proper techniques to write letters
* The programs used will be fun and bright programs that engage the children and encourage them with
* Apps such as ABC Ninja and Action words will be used as well as podcast of Sesame Street letters of the

Assist social and emotional development:
* ICT resources create opportunities for collaboration and between peers that assists to stimulate and
encourage their social and emotional development
* SKills such as waiting, turn taking and sharing in the achievements are developed
* Using ICT equipment puts the child in control to further develop their autonomy
* Children develop a range of skills and processes such as trial and error, problem solving, investigation,
researching and experimenting
* Children develop positive dispositions towards learning encouraging their creativity, curiosity and
* Some programs will allow children to revisit their work to share with family or friends encouraging their
sense of pride and achievement
* The use of digital stop watches and digital counters will encourage team work and partnerships
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Prep Red. It will assist you to gain knowledge and understanding of
how and why we will be implementing a variety of ICT resources into
our classroom this year to assist all children on their learning journey.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Our Classroom
Prep Red is a multicultural class of 25 students in a large co educational state college. Here at SSS
we aim to provide the best learning opportunities for all students, catering for a variety of learning
needs and learning styles. To assist us in delivering exciting and engaging lessons in conjunction
with the Australian Curriculum we have a wide variety of ICT resources available to both the
students and the teachers.
In our classroom we have:
* 4 Macintosh computers
* 2 Ipad's
* 2 Digital Cameras
* A scanner
* 4 walkie talkies
* Interactive White board
* 2 Bee- Bots
* Headphones and listening station
All of these resources are used in a responsible manner to further extend on the students learning
and to continue to develop their love of learning.

Using ICTs in our classroom
ICTs will be integrated into our daily lessons for a range of subjects to extend on
your child's learning and allow all children to explore and investigate
independently to further develop their knowledge.
Based on the quote from Child development theorist John Dewey 'If we teach
today as we taught yesterday we rob our children of tomorrow'... the ICTs being
implemented will encourage collaborative thinking and partnerships between both children
and teachers to learn new ways together.
The ICT programs will be developmentally appropriate and of a play based
nature for open ended playful explorations designed to facilitate their learning.
Through the regular use of ICT resources in our classroom your child will be
educated on how to appropriately handle and use the resources and develop a
shared responsibility for the ICT resources with their peers.
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