Ict Books

  • ICT
    A brief history of the internet, social media, e-safety, and Bovespa stock exchange, with some spelling and grammar errors.
    by Kaza
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  • El Manar prep school
    A brief tour of a school, introducing various locations and activities.
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  • Ict definition
    This story provides definitions of various copyright-related terms such as plagiarism, fair use, piracy, and more.
  • ICT Scrapbook
    An introduction to the parts of a computer, including the CPU, input devices, output devices, and operating system.
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  • A critical reflection
    Virginia, a new graduate teacher, embarks on a journey to understand the complexities of teaching English in the 21st century. She explores various issues such as gender in t…
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  • ICT in the Classroom
    This story discusses the use of ICT in a classroom to enhance learning opportunities for students. It provides examples of how ICT can be used in various subjects and for soc…
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  • ICT Group Assessment Internet Protocols
    A group of students explain various internet protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, SFTP, SSH, POP3, SCP, and TELNET.
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