I dedicate this to Vaught :)

Table of Contents
Geography........................... pg. 3
Economics............................ pg. 7
Culture and Religion..... pg. 12
River Civilizations.......... pg. 15
Age of Empires................. pg. 19
Colonization....................... pg. 25
Modern World.................. pg. 27
My Favorites..................... pg. 32

Geography is all about the earth and the outdoors!
Latitude and Longitude lines are the lines you see on a globe. They are measured in degrees. latitude lines are the horizontal lines and longitude lines are the vertical lines. These lines help you find an exact place, this exact place is called an absolute location. Every place has a different absolute location.
Latitude and Longitude
Natural resources are the resources we use such as rivers, minerals, and agriculture. Some minerals such as wind power is renewable which means we can always use it. But some are nonrenewable, for example oil. Nonrenewable means once we use it all we will never have it again. Agriculture includes plants and animals. Rivers are bodies of water found all over the world.
Natural Resources
Climate is the average weather over many years. Examples of climate are Mediterranean, Arid, Tropical wet, etc. They also vary from region to region. The climate becomes more extreme the closer to the North and South Poles or the Equator.

We help the economy and decide how resources are used!
Population is the amount of people living in a specific area. These vary from region to region, and are effected by the terrain and climate (pg. 7).
Economy is a system in which people make, exchange, and use things that have value. There are 4 types of economy. The first is Command, which governments decisions on how resources are used. Next is Market, in which resources are owned and controlled by individuals. Then Traditional, which is found in rural, non developed countries. And is based on family needs and customs. Lastly, Mixed, which is a mix of command and market economy.
Types of Economies
Government is an organization that sets up and enforces laws. There are 7 types of government. The first is Tribal Rule, which is when members of a tribe make a decision. Next is Direct Democracy, which all adults take part in decisions. Third is Representative Democracy/ Republic, which is ran by representatives that the people vote for, Fourth is Constitutional Monarchy, which has a kind or queen, but they do not have all the power.
Types of Government
Fifth is Dictatorship, which is ruled by one person. Sixth is Absolute Monarchy, which is where the king or queen has all of the power. The last one is Oligarchy, which is controlled by a small group of people.
Types of Government Cont'd.
Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion changes throughout the world!
Culture is the way of life of a group of people. These ways include, beliefs, customs, ideas, homes, food clothing, sports, religion, government, and literature.
Religion is what people believe in. There are 5 different religions. They are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Different religions believe in different things. But they can also be pretty similar. Some religions also have different types, such as Christianity has Methodist, Lutheran, Evangelical, etc.
River Civilizations

During the river civilizations all of my rivers were used by the people for almost everything!
Egypt was the 2nd river civilization. It began 3200 BCE and ended 500 BCE. This river civilization used the Nile River. The Egyptian built the pyramids, mummified rulers, and wrote their own language. The written language they used was Hieroglyphics, which was symbols and animals used as different letters.
Mesopotamia was the first river civilization. It began 3500 BCE and ended 700 BCE. They built around the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. They wrote their own language, Akkadian. `They also wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh and Hammurabi's Code with were a set of rules followed by everyone.
Indus Valley was the shortest of the civilizations. It began 2500 BCE and ended 1500 BCE. They lived in Indus River Valley. When Indus Valley came along the Mesopotamian Civilization was still around and Indus Valley traded with the Mesopotamians. They wrote their own language, but unlike Egyptian writing and Mesopotamian writing, we still have been able to decipher their language. Their language was the Indus Script.
Indus Valley
Age of Empires

During the Islam Golden Age I advanced majorly in my work.

During the Chinese Dynasties we learned and created so much!
The Chinese dynasties were a really important part of China's history. A dynasty is a line hereditary rulers of a country. There was 7 dynasties, 8 including the Mongol Empire. The first dynasty was the Shang Dynasty which lasted from 1766-1122 BCE. The second was the Zhou Dynasty which lasted from 1122-256 BCE. The third was Qin Dynasty which lasted from 221-206 BCE. The fourth was the Han Dynasty which lasted from 206 BCE-220 CE.
Chinese Dynasties
The fifth dynasty was the Song Dynasty with lasted from 906-1276 CE. The sixth dynasty was the Yuan Dynasty, which was during the Mongol empire. Meaning this dynasty was ruled by Mongols. It lasted from 1279-1318 CE. The seventh dynasty was the Ming Dynasty which lasted from 1318-1644 CE. The last dynasty was the Qing Dynasty which lasted from 1644-1911 CE.
Chinese Dynasties Cont'd
There was 8 African Kingdoms. The first one was Nubia which lasted from 3100 BC-!500 AD. The second one was Aksum which lasted from 100 BC-950 AD. The third one was Ghana, which lasted from 600-1250 AD. The fourth one was Mali which lasted from 950-1550 AD. The fifth one was Songhai which lasted from 1000-1591 AD. The sixth one was Asante, which lasted from 1701-1874 AD. The seventh one was Benin which lasted from 1275-1897 AD. The last one was Dahomey which lasted from 1675-1894 AD.
African Kingdoms
A golden age is a period of peace, riches, and quickly increasing technological inventions during a time in a civilization's history. During the Islam Golden age the religion was spreading quickly and many people turned to the Islam religion. During this period the house of wisdom was built. They also advanced in trade, banking, technology, astronomy, math medicine, art, and, architecture.
Islam Golden Age
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I dedicate this to Vaught :)

Table of Contents
Geography........................... pg. 3
Economics............................ pg. 7
Culture and Religion..... pg. 12
River Civilizations.......... pg. 15
Age of Empires................. pg. 19
Colonization....................... pg. 25
Modern World.................. pg. 27
My Favorites..................... pg. 32

Geography is all about the earth and the outdoors!
Latitude and Longitude lines are the lines you see on a globe. They are measured in degrees. latitude lines are the horizontal lines and longitude lines are the vertical lines. These lines help you find an exact place, this exact place is called an absolute location. Every place has a different absolute location.
Latitude and Longitude
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