This book is dedicated to my fellow classmates and Professor Betty Burston. I hope you enjoy reading this.

is for Activities of Daily Living (ADL's)
A measure used commonly for people with a disability. Activities include eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, and getting in or out of bed.

Did you know that ADL's were first created in 1950? It was developed by Sidney Katz.

is for Behavioral Factors
A characteristic of certain behaviors or customs. This includes diet, exercise, or may be detrimental factors that presents health problems.

Did you know that about 5.6 million people under the age of 18 will die because of a smoking related illness?
is for Community Hospital

A non-federal general hospital in which services are open to the public.

Did you know that the community hospital in Munster, Indiana had their first patient admitted in 1973?

is for Disease

A disorder or a dysfunction that disrupts the human body systems. Diseases are evaluated by medical professionals.

Did you know that the first disease exterminated by vaccines was smallpox?
is for E-Health

Health care information that can be accessed online and is provided by medical professionals and non-professionals.

Did you know that India has 10 benefits of E-health?

is for Financing

A type of payment method that allows people to pay for health care services.

Did you know that America spends their 17.9% of their finances just on health care?
is for General Hospital

A hospital that provides common and a variety of specialty medical treatments.
Did you know that the first hospital was built in Pennsylvania in 1751?

is for Health Care System

An association that manages and organizes activities for people to develop a healthy lifestyle.

Did you know that Medicare covers about 58.5 million people for health care?
is for Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IDL's)

The ability to do chores and social tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, shopping, and managing money.

Did you know that IADL's are not necessary to function?

is for Joint Venture

Establishment of two or more organizations that share the same goal.

Did you know that joint venture can help expand businesses and make them grow faster?
is for Ketosis

A condition when the body breaks down fat for an energy source instead of using carbohydrates, or sugar.

Did you know that the most accurate to test for ketosis is through blood testing?

is for Long Term Care

An assortment of health care services that stimulate the most satisfactory freedom for people with functional limitations.

Did you know that the annual premium for long term care decreased?

is for Medical Technology

Utilization of the scientific body of knowledge to enhance health and build skills for health care.

Did you know that wars had impacted the way Americans gained an understanding and knowledge to change medicine?
is for Nonphysician Practitioners (NPP's)

Institutional health care professionals who study similar fields to that of a physician in practice. Non-physician practitioners study without a medical or doctorate degree, such as a nurse or physician assistant.

Did you know that physician assistants made averaged a salary of $101,480 in 2016?

is for Outpatient

Anyone who receives health care that doesn't need to stay in a hospital.

Did you know that in 2016 there were about 863,654 outpatient visits?
is for Pharmaceutical Care

A method of pharmacy practice in which a pharmacist prepares and notifies patients about the appropriate usage and misuse of medicine.

Did you know that pharmacy dates back to Sumerian times, as early as 2000-1500 B.C.?

is for Quality of Life

Elements important to a person's life. These elements can include security, interpersonal relationships, comfort, and independence.

Did you know that one of the objectives of Healthy People 2020 is to improve the overall importance of having a better quality of life?
is for Risk

The likelihood of a hefty financial loss due to a circumstance that is comparatively small.

Did you know that Part D of Medicare can have risks because it may not cover every prescription?

is for Safety

Protecting against harm that is uncalled for.

Did you know that OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, was first administered in 1970?
is for Teaching Hospital

A hospital with that allows physicians to learn and practice during their residency.

Did you know that the Cleveland Clinic is ranked #1 for Heart Surgery?

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This book is dedicated to my fellow classmates and Professor Betty Burston. I hope you enjoy reading this.

is for Activities of Daily Living (ADL's)
A measure used commonly for people with a disability. Activities include eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, and getting in or out of bed.

Did you know that ADL's were first created in 1950? It was developed by Sidney Katz.

is for Behavioral Factors
A characteristic of certain behaviors or customs. This includes diet, exercise, or may be detrimental factors that presents health problems.

Did you know that about 5.6 million people under the age of 18 will die because of a smoking related illness?
is for Community Hospital

A non-federal general hospital in which services are open to the public.

Did you know that the community hospital in Munster, Indiana had their first patient admitted in 1973?

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