Acidification Books

  • Ocean Acidification
    Bubbles and Blue are two fish who embark on a journey to understand the impact of ocean acidification on their lives. They meet various characters, learn about the science be…
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  • Adventures of The Reef Writers \
    two ocean creatures—a shark and a turtle—who exchange letters about the problems their coral reef home is facing. Through this heartfelt exchange, the students highlight the …
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  • Ocean Acidification in Bikini Bottom
    Spongebob and Gary discuss ocean acidification and its effects on Gary's shell. They also talk about ways to reduce CO2 emissions.
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  • Ocean Acidification and Coral Bleaching
    This book explains ocean acidification and coral bleaching, their causes, effects on animals and humans.
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  • The Ocean Acidification Adventure
    Join Fredrick, Sally, and Timmy in their adventure to discover a solution to the carbon dioxide problem that is threatening our oceans across the world.
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  • Murtle the Turtle
    A young turtle named Murtle learns about ocean acidification and its impact on his shell from a wise turtle named Heather.
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  • The Crab Without a Shell
    The children's book that informs kids on ocean acidification. A very interesting topic that has a huge impact on the longevity of the ocean.
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  • Ocean acidification
    Ashley learns about ocean acidification from a group of scientists on the beach and asks them questions about its causes, effects, and solutions.
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