African Hip-hop Books

  • African Culture
    Bob introduces his African culture, discussing Kente cloth, Nollywood films, and African hip-hop.
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  • African Culture
    This book provides information about the origins of Nollywood, Kente cloth, African hip-hop, Afrocubism, and Ladysmith Black Mambazo.
  • African Culture
    An introduction to Kente cloth, its significance, and how it is made. Also includes information on African music and African hip-hop.
  • African Culture
    This book provides information about Kente cloth, African hip-hop, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and African food.
    This story provides brief information about various African cultural elements, such as Kente Cloth, Nollywood, African hip-hop, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and AfroCubism.
  • Unit 6 Culture Project
    The story provides information about Ghanaian textiles, Nollywood films, and various genres of African music.
  • African Hobbies
    A girl in Africa enjoys various activities like creating art, listening to music, and exploring nature.
  • Cultural Conflict
    This book provides information about various aspects of African culture, including Ghanaian Kente cloth, Nollywood, Afrocubism, and African hip hop.
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