Albino Books

  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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  • At the rescue of the white animals
    A white baby tiger is abandoned by his family but is rescued by a boy named Joe. Joe finds a white lion to keep the tiger company and they become best friends. Joe later crea…
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  • Annie The Albino
    Annie, a girl with albinism, learns to embrace her unique features and overcome discrimination with the help of her teacher and friend.
  • A scientist skydives into the jungle to find an albino tiger to study. He goes across many problems but still succeed.
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  • Swimmy's First Day of School
    Swimmy, an albino fish, feels different on his first day of school. But with the help of his teacher, Mr. Bubbles, and a special field trip, Swimmy learns to embrace his uniq…
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  • The Pink~White Girl
    A 13-year-old albino girl named Pinks faces bullying and self-doubt but finds a potential friend in Mark.
  • “Albinism - An Untold East African Tale”
    Albie, an albino rabbit, faces challenges and learns to embrace his uniqueness in a magical forest.
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  • Albino Animals
    This informative book explores the condition of albinism in humans and animals, discussing their characteristics, challenges, and adaptations.
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