Ancient Books

    Alex is less than thrilled that he needs to get his volunteer hours at a retirement residence. He's even less enthused when he has to accompany some seniors to see an old-tim…
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  • Ancient town
    The story of the ancient town of Penjikent, its rise and fall, and the importance of history.
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  • Ancient Egypt
    An informative book about ancient Egypt, covering topics such as pharaohs, mummification, social structure, pyramids, gods, and diet.
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  • The Ancient Garden
    Stories and stories! An audio book of music and sound effects.
  • Ancient Mesopotamia V.S. Ancient Egypt
    The story provides a detailed comparison of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, covering aspects such as natural resources, architecture, religion, writing sy…
  • Ancient Egypt
    This book provides an overview of various aspects of Ancient Egypt, including its stable food supply, government, writing, social structure, art, technology, and religion.
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  • Ancient Rome
    Julius Caesar provides a brief overview of Rome's history, landmarks, and some fun facts. It also includes a short biography of the author.
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  • Ancient Greece
    An informative book about ancient Greece, covering its geography, cities, wars, gods, philosophers, art, math, medicine, literature, Olympics, and legacy.
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