Ancient Sumer Books

  • Mesopotamia Ancient Sumer
    An overview of ancient Sumerian civilization, covering education, religion, people, environment, technology, architecture, and arts.
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  • A Day With The Sumerian
    This is an fun book of information about the Sumer this is the best book of information.
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  • Ancient Mesopotamia V.S. Ancient Egypt
    The story provides a detailed comparison of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, covering aspects such as natural resources, architecture, religion, writing sy…
  • Sumerian
    This story provides a brief overview of the ancient Sumerian civilization, including its founding, language, medicine, and eventual decline.
  • Ancient Egypt
    This story provides information about daily life, geography, hieroglyphics, religion, and pyramids in ancient Egypt.
  • Maya's Dream Our common e-fairytale
    Collaborative tale created by the students involved in the eTwinning Project "Spread the word: innovative european e-nvironm-mental friendly classrooms" from Greece, Italy, P…
  • Facts About Sumer
    An overview of the Sumerian civilization, covering topics such as education, technology, natural environment, architecture, religion, government, and arts.
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  • The History of the Water Clock
    Marduk, the son of Hammurabi, struggles with being late to cuneiform school. He invents a clock to help him tell time and learns cuneiform.
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