Apprentice Books

  • The Alchymist's Apprentice
    Draco, a young apprentice to an alchemist, accidentally discovers phosphorus while trying to extinguish a fire. Despite his initial disappointment that it's not gold, the dis…
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    A tale of a master and his apprentice who built double minarets, with unexpected consequences.
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  • The Artists Apprentice, part 1
    The Artist's Apprentice is about Elandra. She loves rock n' roll, but her mom wants her to be an artist like her.
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  • The Aventures of Hephaestus and Ferris
    This is a made up myth and includes the gods Athena, Hephaestus and Zeus.
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  • Warriors Amberpaw's Past
    This is my followup for Amberkit's start. Is a little long, but please like it!
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    Withered`Paw, an apprentice in a cat clan, wakes up and helps her mentor with a thorn in his paw. They discuss the herb store and the need for cat-mint.
  • Warriors Amberkit's Beginning
    This book is really more of an intro on how Amberkit became an apprentice
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  • Isle Of the Clans: Echo's Song
    The second in the trilogy following Echopaw's path as she become's a warrior. But the wrath of DarkClan isn't over. The death toll will rise, and Echopaw will rise to the occ…
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