Aqueducts Books

  • Rome for Kids
    A brief overview of various aspects of ancient Rome, including medicine, the military, baths, the Coliseum, catapults, aqueducts, and roads.
  • Rome
    A brief overview of various aspects of ancient Rome, including the Colosseum, Christianity, social classes, Roman law, aqueducts, and roads.
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  • Roman Daily Life
    Roman Daily Life is a non fiction book with information about Roman daily life
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  • A day in Rome
    A bird's-eye view of ancient Rome, highlighting its founding, the Roman Forum, aqueducts, roads, and the city's quiet night.
    by izag
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  • Roman Project
    This book discusses various technological advancements in ancient Rome, such as plumbing, aqueducts, and elevators.
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  • During the Prehistoric Times
    A brief overview of the history of Earth, from Pangea to the Middle Ages, with a focus on the development of humans and civilizations.
  • Archeologie of Tunisia
    A brief description of various historical sites in Tunisia, including amphitheaters, museums, aqueducts, and archaeological sites.
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  • The Local story of Aspendos Theater
    The king of Aspendos organizes a competition to find a husband for his daughter. The architect wins by building an aqueduct and also impresses the king with the theater's aco…
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