Aral Sea Books

  • The Shrinking of the Aral Sea
    The story discusses the environmental and health impacts of the shrinking Aral Sea due to agricultural diversion, including increased salinity, loss of wildlife and jobs, and…
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  • All Alone In The Aral Sea
    Manny, a goat, gets separated from his family during a trip to the Aral Sea. He embarks on a journey, survives in the wild, and reunites with his family.
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  • The Shrinking of the Aral Sea
    The Aral Sea Crisis and its impact on the environment, economy, and health due to human activities.
  • Aral Sea is Shrinking
    Frank and his family, living near the Aral Sea, face a shrinking water source. They struggle to find solutions until they discover a new lake.
  • Masha and the Disappearing Sea
    Masha and her father, Ulan, struggle as the Aral Sea dries up due to irrigation. They are forced to leave, and when Masha returns years later, the sea is gone.
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  • Different Types of Water Bodies
    This book provides information about different bodies of water, including oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, glaciers, ponds, and waterfalls.
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  • The Land Made of Sand By: Tyler Baldwin
    Danny, a boy who loves the lake, discovers that it is being drained due to dams. He organizes a protest and successfully brings water back to the lake.
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  • Chapter 3 Section 1
    The story discusses the Indo-Europeans and the Hittite Empire, as well as the Aryans and their impact on India.
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