Artifacts Books

  • Gambill Archaeology
    Gambill Archaeology showcases the best artifacts found by members of the Gambill family. Its author, Adam Gambill, is a history instructor at Three Rivers College in poplar b…
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  • My Family Artifact
    A girl receives a jewelry box from her grandmother, which holds sentimental value and connects her to her family's history.
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  • The Coahuiltecan Tribe of Texas
    This book provides an overview of the Coahuiltecan tribe of Texas, including their daily life, housing, artifacts, and fate.
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  • The Hidden Artifact: Dark Vision Series- Book 4
    The 4th book in the Dark Vision series! Nexis and Echo set off on a quest to find the Artifact that will save all of Skygon! But will Dragarha finally put an end to the proph…
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  • Apache Indians
    This book provides information about the Apache Native American tribe, including their history, daily life, housing, artifacts, and their decline.
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  • The Gifts
    The narrator describes two artifacts, a doll chair and a deacon's bench, that their father built for them on special occasions. The artifacts hold sentimental value and are c…
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  • The Jumano Tribe
    A brief overview of the Jumano tribe, including their lifestyle, appearance, history, and artifacts.
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  • My Literacy Artifacts
    A personal narrative about the author's journey with reading and writing, from childhood to college, and the impact of various artifacts and experiences.
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