Balloon Books

  • One Balloon
    A girl releases a balloon that travels the world, inspiring others to do the same.
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    Even children deal with jealousy. We must teach children to never allow jealousy to destroy friendship. Jealousy is a bad feeling, and there is no need to be jealous of anyon…
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  • Dom and the Big Balloon
    A story of friendship and overcoming fears with a little help from your friends. Wonderful photography accompanies the charming story of a puppet who wants to ride in a hot a…
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  • What are we going to do today?
    A whimsical poem about a parent's willingness to go on imaginative adventures with their child.
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    A little boy releases a bunch of balloons up to Heaven for his Grandma.
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  • Lowell Elementary School History
    This wonderful piece of literature has encapsulated true and mostly true stories of Lowell Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. It was painstakingly researched and written by…
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  • The Grilled Cheese Who Never Said
    a grilled cheese sandwich who learns the value of using your manners :)
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  • A Dab of Magic Author: Riley Gallant
    Two dogs and princesses go on a mystical adventure, encountering unicorns, a magical palace, and Candyland.
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