Benjamin Franklin Books

  • Benjamin Franklin
    A biography of Benjamin Franklin, highlighting his childhood, adulthood, inventions, and contributions to politics and society.
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  • Benjamin Franklin's Biography
    The life and contributions of Benjamin Franklin, from his early education to his inventions and role in American history.
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  • Benjamin franklin
    A brief biography of Benjamin Franklin, covering his early life, education, occupation, family life, and accomplishments.
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  • Benjamin Franklin
    The story of Benjamin Franklin, his accomplishments as a scientist and inventor, and his discovery that lightning is electricity.
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  • I am Benjamin Franklin
    The story of Benjamin Franklin, his childhood, inventions, and contributions to science and America's fight for independence.
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  • Franklins Stove
    A brief biography of Benjamin Franklin, his inventions, and his contributions to history.
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  • Ben Franklin's Big Idea
    A biography of Benjamin Franklin, focusing on his contributions to electricity and inventions.
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  • Benjamin Franklin
    A biography of Benjamin Franklin, a polymath and Founding Father known for his inventions, writings, and political contributions.
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