Bilateral Books

  • What Are Contracts?
    An informative book about different types of contracts, including bilateral, unilateral, and implied contracts, with examples and explanations.
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  • A Helping Hand Grant's Journey to Self-Advocacy By: Vincent Bryers
    Grant, a 6-year-old boy struggling with his hearing, tries various tactics to get help like Delilah. Eventually, they discover that Grant also has a hearing loss and learn to…
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  • A Tale of Bilateral Collaboration between North Carolina and Moldova
    A story of the 25-year partnership between Moldova and North Carolina, showcasing their collaboration in agriculture, technology, education, and healthcare.
  • Russo-Ukranian war
    The story provides a brief overview of the Russo-Ukrainian war, including its causes, major events, and key figures involved.
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  • White Tailed Deer
    An informative book about white-tailed deer, covering their habitat, diet, physical characteristics, and behavior.
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  • Invertebrates
    An informational book about different types of animals, their anatomy, diet, reproduction, and defense mechanisms.
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  • Northern Giraffes
    An informative book about giraffes, covering their habitat, body structure, defense mechanisms, reproductive process, and interesting facts.
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  • Animal Vocabulary
    A comprehensive guide to taxonomy, classification, and animal characteristics.
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