Bindi Books

  • My BINDI!!!
    Sharan, a girl from India, explains the meaning and significance of her name and the bindi she wears on her forehead.
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  • Bindi The Holy Cow
    Bindi, a cow in Mumbai, decides where to nap amidst city chaos, enjoying her sacred status while attracting attention and dreaming of naps in the U.S.
  • What Does That Mean?
    Oscar's first day at school is filled with meeting diverse classmates and learning about their cultures and families.
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  • Save the Reef
    I made this book for a assignment for school. But we need to conserve our reef for the future generations to come. So get on board let people know what is happening, post it …
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  • Odd one in
    Rima, a snobbish girl, makes fun of Malti, a new student. However, Malti surprises everyone with her talent and intelligence, leading Rima to feel jealous and regretful.
    A boy named Kaan learns about different cultures, starting with his own Turkish culture. He becomes fascinated and wants to learn more about world cultures.
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  • All About Vitamins
    This book contains information about vitamins, its importance and its sources.
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    An overview of Hinduism, including its history, beliefs, symbols, gods, practices, and modern-day relevance.
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