Biosphere Books

  • The Biosphere
    An informative book about the biosphere, its components, and how it was created by God.
  • The Carbon Cycle
    This book explains the carbon cycle, including its steps and how it works. It discusses the movement of carbon through different spheres and its various forms. It also explor…
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  • An Earth Science Storybook
    An informational book about atoms, cells, the biosphere, and the layers of the Earth's atmosphere.
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  • Biological Organization
    Hops explains the concept of biological organization, from organisms to biosphere, using personal anecdotes and examples.
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  • The Story of Earth
    This book provides an overview of the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, explaining their composition, formation, and importance.
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  • Earth's Systems and Their Interactions
    This informative book explains the four main systems of the Earth (geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere) and how they interact with each other.
  • Ukraine
    A collection of descriptions of various places in Ukraine, including biosphere reserves, ghost towns, historic sites, and natural wonders.
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  • The Creation of Our Home Earth
    This book provides an overview of Earth's geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, discussing their composition and development over time.
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