Bonus Army Books

  • Stand Up For What Is Right
    The story tells the tale of the Bonus Army, a group of veterans who lobbied for their wartime bonuses in Washington, D.C. The story highlights their struggles and the impact …
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  • By: Santo Elementary 4th Graders, 2017
    A group of 4th graders get trapped in a toy store and must use teamwork, friendship, and positive thinking to escape.
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  • The Great Depression
    A collection of short paragraphs about various aspects of the Great Depression, including Herbert Hoover, the stock market crash, bread lines, Dust Bowl, and more.
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    During a school picnic, Mack Miller wanders off into the woods and ends up falling asleep. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a whole new world. A world that is on the ver…
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  • Great Depression & Dust Bowl
    A brief overview of the hardships faced during the Great Depression, including unemployment, soup kitchens, the Bonus Army, riding the rails, President Hoover's response, Roo…
  • ABC's of The Great Depression
    A brief overview of Herbert Hoover, the Great Depression, and key events during his presidency.
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  • The Great Depression
    A brief overview of the Great Depression, including soup kitchens, unemployment, the Bonus Army, riding the rails, presidents Hoover and Roosevelt, the New Deal, and the Dust…
  • The Great Depression with Spike
    A brief overview of the Great Depression, including its causes, impact, and key events, with some additional historical information.
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