Burial Rituals Books

  • Native American Culture
    A brief overview of Native American culture, including their arrival, social structure, language, ceremonies, weapons, food, burial rituals, and building materials.
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  • The Santee Native American Tribe
    A glimpse into the daily routine of the Santee Native American Tribe, showcasing their activities from morning to night.
  • Primal Religions
    An overview of the religions and sacred practices of Australian Aborigines, African Traditions, North American Plains Indians, and Mesoamerican Religion.
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  • Ancient Roman Death
    This is for a school assignment, think nothing of it except for amazing and very awesome.
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  • Mr. Vaught's World Travels
    A student's textbook on various subjects including geography, economics, government, culture, religion, river civilizations, age of empires, colonization, and modern East Asi…
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  • Alaska ABC
    This is an informative book that introduces children to various aspects of Alaskan culture and nature, from A to Z. Each letter represents a unique element, ranging from 'Apr…
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    A collection of interesting facts about various flowers and their uses, including historical, cultural, and scientific information.
  • FESTIVALS By Let's Rock and Talk Students!
    Easter is a Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. It is celebrated with activities like painting eggs, making special buns, and lighting candles. The fe…
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