Camels Books

  • The Camel That Lost His Hump
    This book is about accepting that just because someone is different, they still make great friends.
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    Crystal Camel, a unique and lonely camel, saves the day during a sandstorm. The story teaches the importance of kindness and acceptance.
  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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  • The Desert Biome
    A math task book for third graders, covering topics such as fractions, rounding, and timelines.
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  • Princess Star and Magical Gold Coins
    Princess Star is a very kind princess who goes on an adventure together with a little rabbit to rescue the rabbit´s family from the big bad wolf.
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  • Camels
    This informative book provides interesting facts about camels, including their habitats, physical characteristics, diet, and survival skills.
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  • Alice the polite Camel
    Alice the Camel, who lives in the hot desert, gets an ice cream from a fairy and feels cooler.
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  • Mammals!
    Common characteristics of mammals as well as more in depth information about dolphins, camels, foxes, and elephants.
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