Compounds Books

  • Oxygen becomes a compound
    This informative book introduces children to the element oxygen, its properties, and its importance in forming compounds like water.
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Chemistry⁴Kids
    An introduction to chemistry, covering topics such as atoms, elements, compounds, chemical reactions, and more.
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  • Alphabet Compound Words
    A list of words starting with each letter of the alphabet, accompanied by a short phrase or description.
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  • The ABC's of Chemistry
    An educational book that introduces chemistry concepts from A to Z, covering acids, bases, elements, compounds, and more.
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  • Complicated Compounds
    A story about four elements, Matt, Ally, Stacy, and Steve, and their relationships as compounds. Cheating, bonding, and new relationships ensue.
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  • Jake and Zoe talk: Matter
    Jake and Zoe teach about matter, including atoms, compounds, molecules, elements, states of matter, and fun facts. Includes a glossary and test.
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  • PiNK
    Can Calvin, a high school chemistry teacher, match wits with the richest and most intelligent scientist in the world? When that scientist is his brother who is trying to tak…
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