Contract Books

  • Steve the Red Blood Cell
    A red blood cell named Steve explains the pathway through the human body, from the heart to the lungs and back.
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  • The Lady with the Apple Trees
    Three kids go on an adventure and encounter a lady with apple trees. They make a deal to buy apples and share their experience with their family.
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  • 6 Elements Of A Contract
    An introduction to the elements of a contract, including offer, acceptance, genuine agreement, consideration, capacity, and legality.
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  • Leviathan
    Thomas Hobbes explores the need for government, describing the state of nature and advocating for a social contract monarchy.
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  • Contracts
    The story explains what a contract is and its importance in everyday life, encouraging readers to learn about its five characteristics.
    In a fairy realm, a king and queen desperately want a child. The king makes a deal with a witch, but it backfires, leading to a curse on the kingdom. Years later, a princess …
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  • Lionel Messi's life obstacles
    The story of Lionel Messi, a famous soccer player from Argentina, who overcame obstacles to become one of the best players in the world.
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  • Contract Law
    A group of characters explain the basics of contract law, including terms like offer, acceptance, duress, capacity, and common mistake.
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