Cozy Books

  • A Home For Highway
    How a lonely dog named "Highway" finds a safe, loving home. (Based on a true story)
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  • Marvin the Mouse
    Marvin the Mouse tries various ways to get into a warm house during winter, but eventually finds a cozy spot in a boy's coat pocket.
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  • The Adventures of Whiskers the Hungry Cat
    This story is write for cat's lover, enjoy your reading!
  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Three Christmas Wishes)
    This magical and fun Christmas story is #4 in the Sisters of Muffin Manor series. Based on true stories and real locations. Enjoy!
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  • Bubbles Island Adventures
    On an island in Hawaii, Bubbles the friendly rabbit had been living as a classroom pet. He had often wished for a home of his very own, and one day his wish came true.
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  • Lilly and Her Bestie, Whiskers.
    In the cozy town of Lexville, Lily and her mischievous cat Whiskers explore nature, make friends with animals, and have magical adventures in the woods.
  • Is it canceled? Bob and Sally series no1
    This is a good book for all ages. This is a good, realistic fiction story. This is about two kids that it is raining. Than they do stuf to pass the time. Will the things be c…
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