Croatia Books

  • The Amazing Life in Croatia
    A collection of information about Croatia, including its flag, location, national anthem, famous people, animals, cuisine, sports, and dress code.
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  • Croatia
    A brief introduction to Croatia, highlighting its beautiful sea, famous people, inventions, and tourist attractions.
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  • Do You Know the Secret of ... ?
    A story about competitors who learn to be friends and teammates.
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  • Easter in Croatia
    A description of how Easter is celebrated in Croatia, including traditions like coloring eggs, making nests for the Easter Bunny, and having a special Easter breakfast.
  • Jure Grando
    A retelling of the legend of Jure Grando, the first vampire, who haunted the village of Kringa in Croatia.
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    An introduction to Croatia, including its location, population, capital, notable features, and EU membership.
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    The story of the Savudrian lighthouse in Croatia, built by Count Metternich for his love Giselle, but tragically she died before its opening.
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  • Tomek and Ela embark on an adventure across Europe, visiting Poland, Turkey, Italy, Spain, and Croatia.
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