Cronus Books

  • Cronus
    Gaea, angry at Uranus for locking up her children, asks Cronus to defeat him. Gaea plans to make Cronus lose power. Cronus marries Rhea and swallows their children. Rhea tric…
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  • The Creation of the Titans and Gods
    A retelling of the Greek creation myth, from Chaos to the rule of the gods, with Zeus overthrowing his father Cronus.
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  • Cronus vs Z eus
    In ancient times, Zeus battles his father Cronus to free his siblings and claim his place as ruler, leading to a chaotic war between gods and titans.
  • Zeus
    The story of Zeus's childhood, his battle against Cronus and the Titans, and his eventual victory to become the ruler of the gods.
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  • The Titan's and the God's Creation
    This story tells the creation of the Greek gods and their war against the Titans, ultimately establishing their rule.
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  • Origins of the Greek gods
    A retelling of the Greek myth of Cronus and Zeus, highlighting the power struggle between the Titans and the gods.
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  • The Story Of Poseidon
    This story provides information about Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, including his family, symbols, powers, and creations.
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  • Greek Gods and Goddesses
    Introduces Greek gods and goddesses, their roles, and relationships. Sets the foundation for Greek mythology.
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