Customer Relations Books

  • Visual Creation Story Book
    The book is a comprehensive guide on various aspects of business management, including communication, customer relations, information management, professional development, ec…
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  • Business and Finance Storybook
    The book is a comprehensive guide on various aspects of business, including communication skills, customer relations, information management, professional development, busine…
  • Principles of Business and Finance
    The story is a detailed exploration of various aspects of business management, including communication skills, customer relations, information management, professional develo…
  • Snoopy's Bakery
    Snoopy, a bakery owner, uses calculus to calculate cake volume, cooling time, and customer growth. He's happy with his success.
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  • ABC's of Marketing
    The story is an informative piece about Nike, covering various aspects of the company from its competition to its marketing strategies and ethical practices. Each section is …
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  • How the Internet has affected our lives
    The book explores the impact of the Internet on various aspects of our lives, including business, education, and politics. It discusses the benefits and risks associated with…
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  • Coconut Island
    A description of a small farm in Fish City, its size, agriculture practices, target customers, potential problems, and its relation to Von Thunen's model.
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