Dalai Lama Books

  • The Dalai Lama
    The story follows the life of Lhamo Thondup, who becomes the Dalai Lama and faces challenges in Tibet. He promotes peace and love despite adversity.
  • Who is the Dalai Lama?
    The story of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and political leader of Tibet, his reincarnation, and his journey to bring peace and democracy to Tibet.
  • The quote by Dalai Lama emphasizes the importance of practicing compassion to bring happiness to others and ourselves. Students share personal experiences and examples that s…
  • Group 7 : Autonomous regions
    A brief introduction to the history, culture, and cuisine of Guangxi Zhuang, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia Hui, Xinjiang Uighur, and Tibet in Chinese.
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  • International Day of Peace
    The story introduces the International Day of Peace, its purpose, and quotes from influential figures. It emphasizes the importance of peace and highlights UNESCO's efforts t…
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  • Buddhism for Kids!
    An introduction to Buddhism, its beliefs, practices, and symbols, including the role of the Dalai Lama and the different branches of Buddhism.
  • Doodle the Poodle and the Lost Bunny Trophy
    Doodle, a poodle princess, goes on a quest to find a lost bunny trophy. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons and makes new friends.
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