Democrats Books

  • The Political Parties
    An introduction to political parties, focusing on the Democrats and Republicans, their beliefs, mascots, and famous presidents.
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  • Democrats V Republicans
    A brief introduction to elections and the importance of voting, using animal symbols to represent political parties.
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  • Reconstruction
    A brief overview of the Reconstruction era in the United States, including the assassination of President Lincoln, the presidency of Andrew Johnson, the struggles of African …
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  • ~political parties~ democrats vs. republicans
    A brief overview of climate change, political parties, and the election process in the United States.
  • Response to the Industrial Revolution
    This story discusses the problems of industrialization, including overcrowding, pollution, child labor, and protests. It also mentions Utopian Socialists, Karl Marx, and Soci…
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  • All About the Legislative Branch
    This book provides a clear and organized explanation of the structure and functions of the U.S. Congress, including the roles of senators and representatives, lawmaking proce…
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  • Greek Root Words
    A list of biology-related words and their meanings, with some examples and sentences.
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  • Yes We Can
    A biography of Barack Obama, from his childhood to his presidency, highlighting his achievements and impact on history.
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