Dengue Books

    This book describes the signs and symptoms, transmission, and protective active actions regarding dengue fever.
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  • Dengue
    Woffy and Barky encounter dengue eggs at home and take steps to eliminate them, feeling satisfied in the end.
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  • Dengue Fever
    This book provides information about dengue fever, its symptoms, global distribution, and prevention measures.
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  • Dengue Fever
    Alle, a boy living on an isolated island, gets dengue fever and must go to the hospital. With the help of his family and the doctor, he recovers and returns home.
  • Mr. Dave Fights Dengue
    Mr. Dave fights dengue by following preventive measures and eliminating mosquito breeding grounds.
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  • My life in a hospital for 21 days
    A young child recounts their experience of being hospitalized with dengue fever, including the treatments, challenges, and eventual recovery.
  • The Important Of Keeping The Environment for Health
    The story discusses the importance of a clean and healthy environment for physical and mental health.
  • Darwin and His Mosquito Bites
    Darwin, a college student, faces challenges with his health but remains determined to continue his studies despite his family's concerns.
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